As I was driving one day, I noticed a mountain that was being strip mined - the site of it absolutely jarred me. It is unfathomable to me how man can be so destructive as a means to an end - that end being greed. The floating garbage patch, the destruction of our forests, endangered animals needing armed guards to protect them from poachers, factories violating our air, land and water with their toxic chemicals - where is consciousness? It does no one any good to put blinders on and pretend that "it doesn't affect me." Guess what? If you live on this planet - it affects you, it affects all of us. The U.S. government requires that my mattress must be labeled telling me what it contains, yet I can't know what's in my food. People tend to cite studies that this or that is safe, yet the studies they're citing were funded by the corporations themselves who are promoting it - that alone should raise some red flags. All you have to do is open your eyes and observe - look at what's happening around you. Use your power of observation, question and think for yourself.
They say, that which we resist, persists. For years, I've found myself disheartened and angry about how our planet, our home and its inhabitants are being treated. I've signed petition after petition and have locked heads with people of opposing views. Lately, mainly through what is known as Abraham, I'm learning a new way. Instead of focusing so much energy and attention on the the destruction, we need to visualize how we would like the world to be. Focus our energy on the positive. I choose to see a world full of healthy forests and their ecosystems. I choose to see humanity living sustainably using renewable resources. I choose to see a civilization living in compassion instead of greed. This is a practice that resonates with me. For those who are tired of the damage and destruction and would like to implement change, here are 6 steps we can take to help make this world a better place: 1. Be aware and acknowledge what's going on - take the blinders off. 2. Educate yourself and then share that information with others - do your due diligence with research. 3. Change your habits - how are you contributing to the destruction? Can you reduce, reuse or recycle more? 4. Let your voice be heard - it does matter. Let your wallet also speak for you. Walk your talk. 5. Visualize - take time in meditation and envision a world that you would like to live in (clean air, clean and abundant water, nutrient rich land, one where we are compassionate with all beings on Earth, etc). 6. Practice compassion - towards every living being and most especially towards yourself. Through compassion we open our hearts - with open hearts we can create miraculous change. These steps are very doable. Change starts with each one of us. As we raise our vibration, it will inspire others as well whether consciously or subconsciously. I'm already seeing more positive change and awareness - let us focus our energy there. Love, Adrienne :)
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January 2025
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |