“Can you see the holiness in those things you take for granted – a paved road or a washing machine? If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” — Rabbi Harold Kushner Thanksgiving - a day where we join together with our families and friends and eat A LOT of food while supposedly being thankful. When I was younger, we would go around the dinner table and say what we were thankful for. I have found that it's very easy to say you're thankful for something - but if your heart doesn't swell with gratitude when you say it, then there's a disconnect. The feeling of gratitude warms and moves your heart. As I was walking one evening, the very large, stunning full moon stopped me in my tracks. I felt such gratitude to see this magnificent site. My heart was happy and a smile immediately formed on my face. The feeling of gratitude aligns us with the ALL that IS and brings us into the present moment. That's powerful stuff! We all, each and every one of us, have much to be thankful for. Yes, a lot of people are facing dark times - all the more reason to align with gratitude. It's very easy to complain, but that doesn't get us anywhere. Light is the answer to darkness, gratitude is the answer to lack, love is the answer to anything and everything. It's a good start to think of the things that we're grateful for - to count our blessings. Now, take it to the next level and sincerely FEEL it. Feeling gratitude allows us to be in a state of higher vibration. Gratitude does indeed nurture our Soul and it enriches our life. We have been given and blessed with so much. How can we complement our gratitude? By giving. You can start small or you can go all out - but GIVE. You can give someone your time, your expertise, your help, your smile, a hug, your prayers, an encouraging word - there are indeed so many ways we can give. Each time we give from our heart we are also providing someone with the opportunity to receive and feel that wonderful emotion of gratitude. It is a beautiful cycle as there is gratitude in giving as well as in receiving. It is time to bring more light to our lives and to this planet. It is time we take responsibility for our vibrations. We always have a choice with how we feel - whether we are low vibratory or high vibratory. Gratitude and giving are fantastic ways to raise your vibration. May your holiday (and everyday) be one of deeply felt thanks/gratitude as well as giving from your heart. In Love & Gratitude, Adrienne :)
It seems everyone has something to say about the attacks in Paris. The trails of thought I saw in Facebook posts alone went from pray for France - to don't pray for France - to why are people only focusing on France when something horrific happened in Beirut - to it was a false flag - to the West only cares when it happens to white people - to it's time to close the borders and the mosques - to warmongering. What was even more disturbing was how people would full out attack each other over whatever opinions were expressed. Those, such as Isis, who are about destruction and harming others thrive on hate. If they're able to invite people into that negativity then they've succeeded. Allow me ask you this very important question: are your words and emotions contributing to the darkness that you're so opposed to? We need to keep in mind that saying all Muslims are terrorists is like saying Westboro represents all Christians. We need to remember that the majority of the refugees are fleeing violence. It's horrific what happened in Paris, but we also need to acknowledge that this type of horror is something that many are experiencing on a regular basis. The refugees are fleeing for their lives, yet we're allowing our fear to close borders. What if the shoe was on the other foot? What if you were displaced from your country and no other country would take you in due to perceived association with the very people you're fleeing from? I hear the cries of war and I wonder how many innocent people have died and will die because they're caught in the crossfire? Below is one of Human of New York's posts when he did his series on the refugees:
Instead of listening to the news barrage and getting into arguments over Facebook and with each other, I invite every person to take a moment and bring the good side of humanity back into the picture. Where there is darkness, let there be light. Send some light to all of this darkness. Get out of the ego (fear, anger, resentment...) and into your heart (LOVE, peace, compassion...). Send your loving energy to and pray for those who stoop to the lowest levels and commit these acts of atrocity. Those who only know hatred are the ones who need our prayers the most. It comes down to each one of us either being a part of the solution by raising our vibrations to those of love and compassion or being part of the problem by feeding the darkness with our own negativity, fear and hatred. It really is your choice. It stands true: be the change that you wish to see in the world. I close with this beautiful video: In Love and Peace, Adrienne :)
During the 2nd Annual Global Meditation for compassion, led by Deepak Chopra, I heard him say something that really got me thinking. A woman asked him a question about the environment and he said to stop using that word. When you use the word "environment" - it means you and the world are separate. He said that the Earth is our extended body – if the trees don’t breathe, we don’t breathe. He's tweeted out the phrase: "The trees are our lungs, the rivers our circulation, the air our breath and the Earth our body recycled." This is a beautiful way to see the Earth in a new light. We are doing a lot of harm to the Earth and therefore to ourselves. Perhaps the best way forward is to help others become aware of this perspective that Deepak has provided us, as well as invite everyone to hold the vision in their heart of a healthy, vibrant and healed planet. Where our mind goes, our energy flows. The best way to create change is to start with ourselves and direct energy towards that which we desire. As more and more people hold the same vision, that vision will become our reality. Now is the time to reawaken to the fact that we are not the dominant species - we are interconnected - we all affect each other. It is time to create the reality where the Earth does not need protecting because she is already protected, honored and loved. Will you join me in that vision? Love, Adrienne :)
If you watch small children interact with the world, you can learn some very important lessons. One of which is racism. One morning, while having breakfast at a hotel, my one year old nephew was ecstatic that the gentleman at the next table was waving and smiling at him. When this man returned his attention to the people at his table, my nephew did his very best to babble at him and try to carry on the conversation that he'd been very much enjoying. My nephew did not care one bit that this man's skin was a darker color than his. Why should he? The color of their skin has no bearing on who they are - as humans, as Souls. Here was a man with nice energy being friendly to my nephew and that's all he cared about. Later that morning, a little girl, maybe 7 or 8 years old, was in the lobby watching cartoons. She and my nephew hit it off. Again, they didn't care that their skin color was not the same. Skin color has become a label, a category, a separatization that humanity has created and perpetuated. It is learned - we are not born with it. We grow up learning that those who look different from us are (insert whatever divisionary commentary you can think of here). These beliefs have created a lot of injustice, a lot of harm and a lot of separation. No matter what we look like on the outside, we all bleed, we all have a heart and we all wish for love and happiness in our life. We have a lot more in common than we think. When we judge people by the color of their skin, it creates an us vs. them mentality which invites problem after problem after problem. There is a phrase that I love: You are no better than me and I am no better than you. We just ARE. It is time we strive to be more like little children, looking past what's on the outside - for it's what's on the inside that matters most. Be very aware of your words and your actions because little ears are always listening and little eyes are always watching. What are YOU teaching them? Love, Adrienne :)
January 2025
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |