A friend asked me what I do for fun. Such a simple question, yet I had absolutely no idea how to answer her. I'm not even sure I know what fun is anymore. I know what I enjoy doing, such as getting out in Nature where I can feel more at peace, but fun - it involves laughter, a smile you can't shake and, for me, some excitement. I figured it's high time to explore what 'fun' is for me and start making it a part of my life. I'm learning that being so serious all the time does not lead to much fun, nor happiness. When was the last time you did something fun? Something that you really enjoy that makes you laugh and smile? How often do you have fun? Is it something that you have to schedule into your calendar? Sometimes we forget to have fun in life. We get so caught up in our daily routines or dramas. Maybe there just isn’t time for it. At the end of your days will you think back on all of the bills you paid? Will you think back on all of the errands you ran? Will you think back on how well you lived up to familial and societal demands? Will you possibly feel that maybe you missed out on something while you were busy being that responsible adult? I love working with kids because with them you get to play, use your imagination and let your creativity flow. They know how to have fun. Perhaps we, as adults, need to relearn that. What does your inner child want to do? Can you imagine if we adults had a daily recess and nap time? I think stress levels would drop considerably. If you’re already having fun, then kudos to you. Shine on. If you're not, don't you think it's time? The following video is a great reminder that no matter your age – you’re never too old to smile, dance, have fun and enjoy life. It’s your life, how do you choose to live it?
One of the gifts that I truly enjoy in life is being able to interact with nature. There are so many amazing species and each - whether we enjoy them or not - is a gift. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had some cool interactions with some of the wonderful creatures who reside on the planet. From swimming with hundreds of dolphins in New Zealand to having a penguin come up and try to "talk" in Antarctica. From learning that sloths can move pretty quickly by watching one climb across a wire one night in Costa Rica to snorkeling and diving with sharks in different parts of the world. From coming across a rattle snake on a hiking trail in Sedona to having a sea snake pass by right in front of me in the waters of Fiji. Each and every experience has left me in awe. You really do become very present in the moment. These kinds of interactions help you realize that they are not inhabiting our world - we are all coexisting and sharing the same home - this planet. When enough humans finally realize that it is not our right to manipulate, harm and destroy any species, perhaps, then, we will all FLOURISH TOGETHER. Rich German is a business coach I've been following for quite some time. He is an avid paddle boarder and is constantly putting up videos of his interactions with dolphins and whales off the coast of California. Recently, he was fortunate enough to interact with a pod of orcas a few miles off of Laguna Beach. The footage he shot has gone viral and has been trending in all of the major news feeds. He posted on Facebook: "Several people have asked me recently if I 'communicate' with the whales or receive 'messages' from them. Honestly I cannot say that I do BUT I can say that when I am with them I feel completely present…in the moment…with no thoughts. They emanate massive amounts of Love and peace and I feel total joy. Maybe that is the ultimate message..." What a beautiful statement! The video below shows some of his footage. Enjoy! Love, Adrienne :) Why wait? Start now. Happiness can be an everyday occurrence. But, be careful… We often believe, whether subconsciously or consciously, that our happiness is outside of us – that we need people and things to make us happy. If we rely on others for our happiness we will always be in a state of want… Those who want will always want, but those who choose – those who choose to be happy - ARE. Another thing, do we really need a reason to be happy? Why do we allow ourselves to stay in the constraints of I’ll be happy when I’m successful. I’ll be happy when I’m a certain weight. I’ll be happy when I find the right guy/girl. I’ll be happy when… I’ll be happy if… People often speak of unconditional love, I think we should also start looking at unconditional happiness! How do we do that? Start by looking at your thoughts and beliefs of what happiness is for you. How much do you rely on others or things for your happiness? Take a few minutes and just feel the emotion of happiness. Smile! Laugh! Get back in touch with your inner child who knows how to play and enjoy life. Don’t allow your happiness to be dependent upon anyone or anything else and remember… How lucky are we that our thoughts and beliefs can be changed both at a conscious and subconscious level? When you feel unhappy, check your thoughts. What new thought can you replace the ‘unhappy’ thought with to allow yourself to be happy? This takes some work and practice, but it’s worth it. They are your Divine rights too! It’s all a matter of choice. To unconditional happiness! - Adrienne :)
I recently saw a motivational poster that said: Where will 2015 take you? What if I told you, it's not about where 2015 will take you, it's about where YOU will take 2015? Furthermore, what if I told you that your life is more in your own hands - actually, I should say in your own mind -than we've been led to believe? What if free will actually means that you have the total freedom to create your Life Story? What if there are no outside forces conspiring against you or controlling your life? What if God is not dictating your story, but is living vicariously through you? If this is so, the good news is that it makes victimization obsolete and opens the door to self-empowerment. The "bad" news is it makes you responsible for your own story - which takes effort. Your life is dictated by your thoughts and feelings - they are what create and attract your experiences. Instead of spending your focus on how you react to what's in front of you (that you technically put there in the first place), focus instead on consciously creating what it is that you desire to experience. What many don't realize is that most of our thoughts that are being used for creation are at the subconscious level. And guess what? They're not just our own thoughts - they can be inherited or acquired from other people. This is why it's important to listen to your mind chatter. Listen to what you say. Clear out beliefs that do not serve you. Clear out the wrong rules your system is following that don't pertain to what you presently choose to experience. Become conscious of your thoughts and feelings and learn to direct them to create the experiences you do desire. If you're interested in taking more control of you own story, I highly recommend Chasing the Shadow of Free Will, by Michele Fitzgerald. I recently started this process of becoming a conscious creator myself and will let you know how it goes. Just some food for thought for the new year. Much Love, Adrienne :)
January 2025
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |