This kind of sums it up. A major grocery chain in Switzerland had its Christmas candy and cookie displays out at the end of September. Holidays for profit. Forget the actually meaning of them - just spend that money. According to the National Retail Federation, Americans are expected to spend 7.4 billion dollars on costumes, candy and decorations this Halloween. Don't get me wrong, I love chocolate, but the treats being handed out today are pretty toxic. For more info on what the chart below actually means, click here. I also find it interesting that towns seem to be deciding which day is Trick or Treating. I was surprised to find out my niece and nephew had already been - days before October 31st. I get the whole safety issue and that it's better on a weekend when most parents are off work and there's still daylight available. But, I wonder - do kids have any idea why we carve pumpkins or even go Trick or Treating? Halloween is a scary time - haunted houses and mazes and forests; creepy decorations; scary costumes… it is a fear-based event. It's a pretty interesting metaphor of how we, as a society, view death. For a lot of people, death is sad and scary and something we really don't like to talk about. Quite the contrast to Dia de los Muertos which is actually a celebration and commemoration of those who have passed. The Day of the Dead is celebrated on November 1st and 2nd with ofrendas (offerings of favorite foods, drinks and other things the deceased enjoyed), calaveras (sugar skulls), flowers, candles and music. It is a very festive time. I guess as I'm getting older, I look for more meaning in things. I'm disappointed that we allow commercialism and consumerism to drive our holidays. I'm disgusted that the yummy treats we hand out are actually quite terrible for our health. I'm tired of fear and would prefer to look at life and death as a celebration. What's beautiful about all of this is just because society is heading a certain way - I don't have to join in. We all have that choice to have more meaning in our lives, to watch what we put in our bodies and to celebrate the gifts of life and death. We all have that choice to follow the mainstream or live life as we see it. So, there you have it - just some random thoughts for this week of celebrations.
Happy Samhain - Halloween - Dia de los Muertos! - Adrienne :)
This audition is amazing on so many levels. Not very far into her performance of "Don't Rain on My Parade," Simon halted Jodi saying he didn't like this kind of "smiley" song and asked if she had another to perform instead. We could learn a lot from this determined 16 year old. Not only did she stand her ground, she came back stronger and proved her point with passion, cleverness and humor. The song couldn't be more perfect for the point proven. There were 3 judges who were enjoying the performance and rallied behind her. But, it was that one negative critique that stopped the performance. How often do we see this in our own lives? When there are those who support us, but all it takes is one person's negativity to bring us to a halt. It's the fork in the crossroads - do you take that critique/negativity and adapt and stand up to it or do you allow it to destroy your self confidence and you give in? Whose voice do you allow to win out? The one against you or your own inner voice? Jodi is a wonderful example to us all to not allow the Simon Cowell's of the world to "rain on our parade." Love, Adrienne :) My 40th birthday is this week. 40?! Really??? Didn't I just turn 25? I have to admit, as the date has been approaching these last few months, I started to freak out a bit. 40. I'm not married, no kids and I've just made a huge transition opening up and using my intuition and empathic abilities. Mid-life crisis? I've had multiple already. The upside, I pretty much have the meaning of life figured out* and I've basically completed my bucket list:
I guess it's time to create a new list. I've seen so many wonders, met so many incredible people from all different cultures and backgrounds and have had some experiences that most will only dream about. I know how fortunate and blessed I am. They say at 40 you're "over the hill." I choose to look at it as being "over the hump." I'm now pretty clear about what issues I have and am moving in the direction of resolving them. I now know what gifts I have that I can use to give back to others. I know what healing must take place, how my attitude must change and how energy affects every aspect of my being. I know that I don't have to be perfect, that no one is. I know that I can let go of the weight of the world and that it's not necessary to be so serious - neither of which serves me. I choose to enjoy the days I am gifted. I choose to meet my issues head on and be gentle on myself through it all. I now know how stress and control work against me. I choose to relax more, treat my body well and put myself first so I can be there for others. I choose to look at 40 as another beginning - one that I'm ready for and look forward to. I know that the 40th birthday is supposed to be a big deal, but mine will be a tranquil one. Perhaps I will figure out ways to celebrate it throughout the year. I have received so many gifts for which I am very grateful. To my wonderful family - I love and miss you guys and hope to spend more time with you all again soon. To my dear friends, those still living and those who've passed on, who have been there for me no matter the distance - you are one of the greatest gifts. I miss and love you all. To those who have done sessions with me - thank you for the beautiful gifts of allowing me to assist you and continue my own growth and learning. To Beat - you have been my unwaivering support since we met all those years ago in New Zealand. Words can never convey the depth of gratitude I hold for you and all that you've done to help pull me through some very tough times. You are truly one of my Earth Angels. To all those whom I've met along the way these past 40 years - whether our circumstance were wonderful or quite the opposite, I'm grateful to you. Last but not least, I'd like to wish a Happy Birthday to my Grandpa who would've been 93 this year on our day. I'm so grateful we could spend our last few birthdays together. In closing, "Lordy, Lordy - yep I'm 40!" and life is as I choose to live it! Love, The Birthday Girl ;) *In case you were wondering, the meaning of life (for me) is to: experience and grow our Soul; connect with our heart; open our mind; help each other; bring love and compassion onto the planet and ALL who inhabit her; teach and learn, learn and teach; and enjoy the blessings and beauty that surrounds every single one of us every single day.
When was the last time you... enjoyed the outdoors? were fully present in Nature? When was the last time you... watched the moths frolic in the field? heard the rusting sound of stalks of corn? smelled the freshly cut grass? sat beneath a tall, old tree and listened to the wind play a melody through her leaves? When was the last time you... watched the clouds change form and shape across the sky? listened to the creek gurgle over stones while watching the water spiders skim across the surface? When was the last time you... beheld thousands of blades of grass glistening with dew? watched an entire meadow become a sea of moving grasses as they ripple from a gentle wind? followed the flight of a hawk as it circles, drifts and rides the air current? passed a beehive and heard the collective buzz of the colony working together as one? When was the last time you... really admired a flower - its patterns, its color, its scent? ran into something unexpected - a lizard, a heron, a sunning snake? When was the last time you... felt the sun's warmth on your face and body? sensed the breeze move across the hairs of your skin? noticed the play between shadow and light? enjoyed the coolness of a tree's shade? Don't take the outdoors for granted. Get outside, get quiet, get present. Reconnect with the heartbeat of the Earth - reset your rhythm. Release, Re-energize, Re-establish peace in your mind, body and Soul. Breathe in the air deeply from your belly and exhale your tensions away. Really take notice of what's around you using all of your senses. Hold gratitude in your heart and being for all of the beautiful gifts that time with Nature provides. Love, Adrienne :)
January 2025
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |