It's that time of year again when most people are at least allowing the idea of New Year's resolutions to run through their head. Most of us are unable to keep these resolutions and then we feel guilty, promising ourselves that we'll do better next time. How about this year, instead of focussing on resolutions, we focus on being a work in progress? Why not take a few minutes and see what it is that you would like to change in your life? Would you like to feel healthier? Happier? Less stressed? More financially secure? Next, look at ways that realistically will allow these goals to be achievable step by step. What small changes can you make over time that will allow you to see obvious results by 2015? Starting next week and throughout the month of January, I will be offering tips and perspectives that will assist you in making real changes in your life. As always, here are the caveats: only you can make these changes (it's YOUR life, no one else's); you deserve to be happy, be loved, feel safe, be healthy - but you have to match that attitude; and any big change takes some work and time - the predicaments we find ourselves in are thanks to many, many years of beliefs, choices and experiences - it's rare indeed when we can make a massive change overnight. Any day is a good day to start making a change for the better. The fact that January 1st is also a New Moon, symbol of new beginnings, makes it an even better start for the new year. Let's make 2014 a year where we work to raise our personal vibrations and in turn, help the collective. For, it is when you work on yourself and change that you are changing the world around you. I wish you many Blessings, Hugs, Healing Light and Love for 2014 - Adrienne :)
Merry Christmas!
I figured it's an ideal time to share a message that Jesus gave to me. One day, not too long ago, I was talking to a friend about religion. Well, actually, it was more like venting. There are some things about religion that really frustrate me. As my friend and I were talking, I felt a presence that I just knew was Jesus. I've felt him before - this wasn't his first visit. These were his words to me: "Find the seed of truth that they [religions] all have and follow your heart." Years before, he told me to not be so harsh about religion; to stop focussing on the negative and find the good. I think these are both wonderful and poignant messages. So what is this seed of truth? For me, it's to love myself and connect to who I AM. This allows me to really love others, have more compassion and see people for who they really are - their Soul. The Dalai Lama said: “Despite all philosophical differences, all major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings.” He also said: “The motivation of all religious practice is similar: love, sincerity, honesty. The way of life of practically all religious persons is consistent. The teachings of tolerance, love, and compassion are the same.” What do you feel is the seed of truth that Jesus is referring to? What resonates with you? Wishing you all a very blessed day, full of Love - Adrienne :) ![]() Tis the season of giving and receiving. Many head to the stores for the latest gadgets, new toys, clothes or the ever popular gift card. While you're out shopping, there are two wonderful gifts you should add to your list. These gifts won't cost you a penny, but they can really make someone's day. Not only are these gifts great for family and friends, but they're also wonderful for strangers. These gifts acknowledge and connect us to each other. This time of year can be tough for a lot of people, so why not give these gifts freely and truly brighten each other's day? ![]() Gift #1 - SMILE A smile is extremely powerful. I can literally feel the energy shift in a room or around people when someone genuinely smiles. I remember when I was having a pretty terrible day and a stranger crossing in front of me turned and smiled at me. That small act caused me to smile and relax and it shifted my mood. When we smile, it helps to relax our body. We also tend to feel happier. Go ahead and Smile More It Lifts Energy. ![]() Gift #2 - HUG How do you hug someone? Do you hug to their right side? Is it a quick hug? Is it one where you barely touch each other? When you hug someone, hug them on their left side and connect heart to heart. We mostly tend to hug the opposite way, connecting our liver energy and the liver holds anger and frustration. When you hug someone, hold on a few seconds longer and allow for a connection to take place. One of the best hugs I've ever received was one that was heart to heart and the person held on until our breathing matched. At first, it was a little strange, but then I realized that we were forming a connection. I love those kinds of hugs. A hug can be a Happy Utopic Gift. I also recently learned that hugs Help Us Grow Spiritually. So, this holiday season smile and hug! They are reciprocal gifts that do wonders for our Spirit.
Sending you all much Love, Smiles and Hugs - Adrienne :) ![]() I think most people would agree that there is much that we do not understand - that there are many mysteries still out there. When we take a look at where we are in our galaxy, much less the Universe, many tend to say that it makes them feel insignificant, small. For me, it gives me an immense gratitude to be a part of such expansiveness. I am not separate from the billions plus of galaxies and gazillions of stars. I am interconnected. We all are. We tend to get wrapped up in our daily stresses and struggles. Perhaps we should look to the night sky to be reminded of how much more to us, to life, there is. As humans, we are inclined to judge and focus on what divides us. Maybe it is time to focus on what connects us. We fight each other out of fear. We fight each other due to a misbelief in lack. What we have to realize is that we are provided for. We truly lack nothing. There is plenty of water, food and renewable energy to go around. It is our duty, our responsibility, to demand that the greed that impedes these basics of life give way so that all may enjoy our God given rights to healthy food, clean water and renewable resources. A saying was channeled to me that I love: I am created from the heavens I am created from the Earth I am who I truly am My essence is Divine Love So it is. Perhaps this holiday we can focus less on society's consumer driven mania and more on what really matters: sharing love and kindness. Not just with your own family, but with your human family. Doing the work that I do, I get to see just how connected we all are. It is time to acknowledge and remember that. It is time to BE who we truly are - to BE from the heart. Below is a beautiful video that definitely gives some perspective. Enjoy. ![]() When I came to Sedona, circumstances eventually led to my working in a metaphysical shop. I swore I would NEVER work retail - never say never, right? During my time there, the manager and my co-worker kept encouraging me to try to open up to and trust my intuition. They constantly told me - "trust what you get." Eventually, I learned how to check people's chakras. I'd muscle test them and then let them know which ones were out of balance and which crystals would help them move back into balance. But, it was never as simple as that. People would inevitably ask why a certain chakra was out of balance. That's where the intuition comes in. I would get ideas as to why someone was out of balance, but dare I say it out loud? What if I'm wrong? What if I'm just making it up? Finally, I decided I'd give this whole trust thing a try. There was a young man who came in and wanted the chakra test. I muscle tested him and let him know which were out of balance. Of course he asked, "why do you think that is?" I got that he'd been through something pretty traumatic in the last year. To cover my bases I decided to extend the time period and I told him, "you've been through something pretty big within the last 2 years." He thought about it and said - "no, nothing 2 years ago." I thought, see! How can I trust??? Then, he said, "but this year, some pretty major things happened." It took me a minute to register and recover. I'd been right! The guides had given me the right information. I'm convinced that he was brought in at that time to teach me the lesson of trusting and not changing the information. From then on, even if it sounded nuts, or didn't make sense to someone at the time, I'd go with what I was given. Granted, when I do this work, I ask the ego to step to the side (I am human after all, so there is that filter) and I say a prayer asking that my Guides provide me with what's in the highest good for the person. I always tell people to take what resonates with them. I trust that the information I get is for the benefit of the person I'm working with. I have to trust and for that it takes belief and faith. |
January 2025
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |