There is a new movie coming out in January of 2017 called A Dog's Purpose. It's about a dog that reincarnates multiple times and ponders whether there is a purpose to life. I find it interesting that we are seeing this theme play out in Hollywood. Cloud Atlas is another excellent film that revolves around reincarnation. Many different people hold many different beliefs. To some, this is the only life we have. When we die we either disappear or we go to be judged and sent to Heaven or Hell. To others, we come back to live out our karma (fate based on our past actions in other lives). To others, we come back to live out our dharma (life purpose) and grow our Soul some more. Many people on this planet do believe in the possibility of having multiple lives. More than a third of major religions and belief systems believe in reincarnation. There are many books out there which speak on this topic. Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Weiss is well-know. I just finished reading Dr. Dyer's last book, Memories of Heaven, which shares stories of children remembering Heaven and some of them speak of past lives. It is not uncommon for children to remember their previous lives. Over a period of 40 years, Dr. Ian Stevenson looked into over 3,000 cases worldwide of children claiming to have past lives. He is internationally recognized due to his research on reincarnation. If this is something that interests you, you can read about past lives or you can even have a past life regression which takes you into your past lives. It took me a full year before I worked up the nerve to have a past life regression. I still remember that regression quite clearly and a lot of things in my present life actually made more sense after the regression. I know some people firmly believe that there is no such thing as past lives and that's o.k. For those who do believe and for those who are curious to know more - it can be a life altering experience. I've seen people cured of their phobias due to past life healing work. While it's interesting to know more about our past lives, it's also important to remember that our primary focus should be on this life. Past life regressions and healings are just another way to help us along on our path during this incarnation. Love, Adrienne :)
I love when I'm able to see things in a different way. Shifting your perspective will most definitely shift your life. I've come across some neat statements that have helped me see exercise, age, time, selfishness and issues in a new light. I thought I would share them here. Perhaps one of them will help prompt a new way of thinking for you... The topics that are touched on in these posters are usually held in a negative light. If you have to drag yourself to the gym, you may not be going for the right reason. Shift your mindset and exercise can even become a celebration of how amazing the body is. Growing older is something many people fear and dread. We all get older, so why not be more lighthearted about it? By changing your words to 'it's not a priority' instead of 'I don't have time,' you are inviting in more clarity and self-empowerment. It is not selfish to live your own life how you choose - it is your life. Viewing our problems and issues as opportunities places us in solution mode and we aren't as dragged down by the ego who says it's impossible. Be open to seeing things from a new perspective - doing so will most likely increase your joy factor in life. Love, Adrienne :)
I love this video with Oprah. In just 3 minutes, she touches on some profound, life changing wisdom that we can all apply to our own lives. Have you ever felt like you're not on track? Like you took the wrong fork in the road? That you made a mistake? Or, maybe that you completely failed at something? I know I can identify with these for multiple choices I've made throughout my life. It would really bother me as I wondered - did I take the wrong path? Did I screw up and miss out on something in my life due to the decisions and choices I made? Am I not even living the path that was meant for me because I kept taking "wrong" turns? These thoughts really weighed me down. As I've been doing my Spiritual work, and as Oprah states in the video, I've learned that there are no wrong paths. You can get side tracked, take different paths or end up on a detour - but there are no wrong paths. Whew! That really takes the pressure off. So, now that we know that ultimately there is no wrong path, how do we try to stay on the path that resonates most with our Soul? Luckily we've been given road signs - such as how we feel and what life is reflecting back to us. If you feel uneasy, agitated or unhappy with how your life is going, then you've stepped off your Soul's path. It's an indication to move in another direction. Failures and losses are another big road sign. As Oprah says, they are there to wake you up, to redirect you and point you in a different direction. Losses and failures are some of the biggest and toughest, yet most rewarding growth lessons there are. What feels like a lose-lose, is actually a win-win as it provides direction and growth for your Soul. Another thing that Oprah talks about that I love is that our life is bigger than the moments. How often do we let certain moments define us? We are so much more than any singular event or circumstance or ordeal. They may be defining moments, but they do not designate who we actually are. They do not define our entire life or our Essence. In order to make our way through life we must become aware of the signs, learn from the hard times and focus on what the next right step is. We often tend to become overwhelmed or focus solely on the problems instead of on the solutions. Oprah offers great advice: 'What is the next right move? From that space, make the next right move and the next and the next.' If during those steps, you find it's not the right move, then you know it's time to change course and start again with the next step that resonates and feels right to you. It's all about the steps, resonating with your path and understanding that, ultimately, there are no wrong paths. Love, Adrienne :)
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we subconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." - Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles" This is such a beautiful quote by Marianne Williamson. You might recognize it as it went around social media for a while erroneously attributed to Nelson Mandela's inaugural address. It brings up a very interesting perspective - that we actually fear our brilliance more than we fear our inadequacies. How often do we play small? Why do we hold back when it comes time to play big? What is it that we're really afraid of? We tend to focus so much on our humanness and all of the ego aspects that get in the way - fear, rejection, discouragement, procrastination, etc. If we could focus more on the real part of us - our Light, our Essence - how different would our lives be? Kids really do just shine their Light. I can see it in their eyes, their smiles, their laughter and their curiosity. As we grow up and follow our ego and its script, that Light becomes hidden. It is up to us to reconnect to that part of us - to grow that spark and shine our Light out into the world. To BE who we really are. We are all Source. We all have and are this Light. We just have to dig through the layers and walls our ego has created to let that Light shine through. How do we do that? Meditate, do emotional release work, work with a professional who can assist you with tapping into your unconscious and help you change your ego's script. Most importantly, set the intent to connect to your Light, your true Essence - and be committed to it. Ask for guidance along the way from Source, the Angels, your Guides or whoever you pray to. Your Light is waiting for you - tap into it and SHINE. P.S. - If you are drawn to the image above, Erica Sooter is offering it as a free printable on her website along with a lovely and heartfelt blog entry. Click here. Love, Adrienne :)
We all want to be liked, accepted and respected. It’s human nature. All too often we allow other people's opinions to shape who we are or who we think we should be. We cater ourselves to be what others want or expect so we will be liked and accepted. We begin to identify, or even over identify, with what others think. To have to look a certain way, to have to act a certain way, to have to be a certain way – where’s the freedom in that? It’s like putting on masks and stepping farther away from your true self all for a false sense of belonging. It hurts when someone holds a negative opinion of you. Instead of taking it personally, which I know can be very hard, try to look at it from two different angles: 1. Someone’s opinion about you says more about them than it does about you. 2. Look at it as an opportunity to get to know who you really are. Let’s say someone calls you stupid – are you stupid just because they say so? Do you know for a 100% fact that you are, indeed, absolutely stupid? Of course not. Maybe you did or said something that was “stupid,” so learn from it, remedy the situation and move on. It’s not who you are. One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received is “It’s none of your business what anyone else thinks of you. It’s only your business what you think of you.” My life has become a lot more freeing since I started to follow that advice. I was always easily hurt when someone would say something mean about me. Now, it doesn’t get to me as much. I’m empowered because 1. What they say tells me more about them than myself. 2. It’s another opportunity for me to question my identity and get closer to the core of who I really am. It’s beautiful and freeing to be who you truly are. Your Soul knows your authentic Essence. Meditate and connect with that aspect of you. Get to the heart of your true identity and allow that part of you to unfold in your daily life. You are not your body. You are not your mind. You are not your past. You are not your mistakes. You are not your emotions. You are not the opinions of others. You are your Soul. You are a part of the Divine. You are more than you could ever have imagined. Love, Adrienne :)
January 2025
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |