Happy first day of April, a.k.a April Fool's Day. For the pranksters out there, this your day to shine. I'm not a big fan of this day as many people play pranks that are mean or can cause people to get physically hurt. It's fun to play the prank, but not so fun to be on the receiving end. My kind of pranks are the ones you see in Prank It Forward where they're actually doing something good for someone - making it rewarding for both the prankster and the person being "pranked." The internet is full of videos of people playing pranks. Ashton Kutcher's Punk'd ran for 9 years where they played pranks on celebrities. Candid Camera actually began all the way back in 1947 on the radio under the name The Candid Microphone. Juste Pour Rire is a French-Canadian version of Candid Camera and is quite funny. Most "victims" are good-natured and seem to take the pranks in style. The History Channel has a quick video about the possible origins of April Fool's Day that's worth a watch. I leave you today with a cute prank from Just For Laughs/Juste Pour Rire: In happy laughter, Adrienne :)
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If you’d like a major dose of negativity – read the comments section. Youtube, Facebook and news articles are hotspots for trolling, vileness, vulgarity and attack. While there are positive and uplifting comments, they tend to be overshadowed by the crass. It seems that there are certain kinds of people who feed off of this negativity: those who desire to be negative, disrespectful and ignorant and those who feel the need to defend themselves, but do so in a very disparaging way. It is not easy to read the sexist, racist, bigoted comments and not want to comment as well. I guess the question we need to be asking ourselves is do we choose to stoop to their level? Do we choose to engage in that low vibratory energy no matter how right or justified we think we are? People who feel the need to spread hate are very stuck in their ego, very out of touch with their Soul and very asleep to who they truly are. Maybe, instead of contributing to the argument or giving them a good tongue lashing, we should just say a prayer for them that love finds its way into their heart. Even better, do your best to avoid them. Make the conscientious choice to not allow that kind of energy into your life and avoid the comments section all together. I read a reversed poem by a 14 year old and really loved the concept. I felt inspired to create my own on the topic of comments as a reflection of society. First, read the poem from top to bottom and then again, but from the bottom to the top. Social media remarks as a reflection of our society: Ignorance , hateful, hurtful comments No more Love, understanding and acceptance Break each other down Not Lift each other up Hate, nasty names and hiding behind pseudonyms Calling out Allowing it to spread and take over until it’s all that is Love is the only hope and way to lead us out of the darkness In LOVE, Adrienne :)
If we take a moment to notice, there are many reminders in Nature that we are loved. From heart-shaped clouds in the sky to heart-shaped stones on the ground - all messages of Love. They are reminders that we come from Love, we are Love and to share our Love with ourselves and others. One of the famous symbols associated with St. Patrick's Day is the shamrock, otherwise known as clover. Do you remember trying to find the lucky four-leaf clover? Have you ever really looked at the shape of the leaves of clover? Yep, they are hearts! I found these amongst the redwoods in northern California. Just to give you an idea of how large they are... Pretty huge, right?! What an awesome reminder about love. If you think about it, the heart chakra is associated with the color green and Nature is symbolized by the color green. Nature, Love, Harmony, Heart Chakra - this brings the clover to a whole new level of meaning, n'est pas?
I hope you had a Happy St. Patrick's Day and I hope that the next time you see the shamrock, it reminds you of Love and your heart. Love, Adrienne :) We’ve all heard the phrase “Tomorrow is a new day.” A new day to try again, a clean slate, a fresh start. For some, it’s about just getting through the day in the hopes that the next day will be better. Sometimes, it’s not taking things one day at a time, but taking them one step at a time. That can be when you feel like the entire world is against you and you’re not sure you’re going to make it through the day, week, month, year. It’s when time runs together or just drags out and all you can do is take another step forward. There’s a saying about Mt. Fuji in Japan – If you never climb Mt. Fuji, you’re a fool. If you climb it more than once, you're a fool. When I climbed it, I realized, at the point where it was too late to turn around, that I had altitude sickness. Maybe ½ hour from the top, every single step took an extraordinary amount of energy. The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other was a massive feat. Somehow, I made it. When you’re losing hope, when you feel you can’t take another step – just try. You never know where it will take you. I love and adhere to the statement in the poster below. We often see the world from where we stand and sometimes it doesn't look so great. It's times like these when you can feel really stuck and not happy about the direction you're moving in. These are the opportunities to take inventory and decide where you're going - where or who you want to be. These are the times to change your direction - your attitude, beliefs and actions. Take the next step. If you need to, get someone to support your arm. Link arms with others and step together or go it on your own. No matter how you do it, just take the next step.
I've always been in awe of people who can play instruments and are part of an orchestra. The sound each person makes contributes to the greater whole. Working together, a composition is brought to life. It is truly beautiful when we collaborate to bring creativity to life. It can be a group of dancers expressing through song or a group of actors bringing a story to life. How fun to witness or, better yet, participate in a flash mob. Recently, on the San Diego, Tijuana border, elementary school students formed a message in the sand to show that we must unite to save our oceans. Nearly 1500 students aligned to form the message in two languages between two countries - what a beautiful collaboration to share an important message. Our creativity knows no bounds and can bring such joy and beauty to the world. When we collaborate with such visions, we are reminded that we can work together - that we can bring light and amazement to the world. We are reminded that it's not every person for his or herself - that we are all on this planet together. Through collaboration, we can bring passions and great ideas to life. We can create change or simply provide a moment of awe and joy. I'll leave you with this video of "500 people dancing in the sky" from the 2014 Youth Olympics in Nanjing, China. It is mesmerizing. Love, Adrienne :)
January 2025
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |