The amount of negativity out in the world is above and beyond and it is grating. It's just so easy to be negative. It's so easy to complain and be down. It's so easy to talk badly about others and how they wronged us in some way. It's not a big deal, though. It's just venting. It's just because things are stressful right now. It's just because (insert reason here). It takes effort to be that holly jolly positive person who is so full of crap because no one can be that happy so often - can they? Hello, My name is Adrienne and I am recovering from a negative disposition. I've always considered myself to be the optimistic pessimist. Things suck, but hopefully they'll get better. I am a pro at carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. I'm a sensitive person and I get hurt easily and that pain gets stored - it doesn't just go away unless I really work to let it go. My anger kicks in when someone tells me to be more positive when one bad thing after another happens over and over and over again. It's not just me, look at the state of affairs of the world. What good is still left out there? Therein lies the answer - look for the good. It is out there and it is in every single situation, no matter how terrible it may seem. Our creative energy flows to wherever we have our attention. If we're focusing on the negative, guess what we'll attract more of? The Universal energies say - "well, you have a large part of your attention there and it's backed up by a lot of emotional charge, so you must wish to create more of the same." Like attracts like. Therefore, you're likely to experience one "bad" thing after another - if that's where your attention is. That's why it is imperative to find the good and place your focus there. I've been gaining a better understanding of happy, positive people. It's a choice. How do we look at things? How do we choose to react? It can be tough to break the habit of negativity, but it is a pattern that needs to be broken if we want to feel good and live in a better world. It is not our job to carry the weight of the world. We are not meant to harbor our pain. We are meant to shine. We are meant to enjoy life. It's just a matter of finding the good and keeping our focus there. It means honoring the pain, learning from it and then finding a way to let it go. As we head into 2016 - be more aware of your intentions, your attention and your energy. Do they line up? Is your attention on what you intend or is it somewhere else? What kind of energy are you allowing into your space? It's easy to be influenced by others via social interaction and the media. How much attention are you giving daily to negativity? If you have the news channel on all of the time, then you're welcoming negativity in as a primary guest in your life. Close that door. Find the positive, look for the good and place your attention there. Let those higher vibrations help lift you up. It's a much nicer and happier place to be. Happy New Year! Love, Adrienne :)
December is definitely a busy month. This week alone consists of the winter solstice, Christmas and a full moon on Christmas. It's a time where we're supposed to be celebrating Light, Peace, Love and Joy. There are so many lovely traditions, yet it feels like a lot of people are just going through the motions and doing so in a state of stress and apathy. This does not add to the joy of the season, in fact it really takes away from it. No matter how tough things might be, Christmas time has always felt magical to me. I look forward to the sights and sounds that stir my heart. This year, though, is different. I feel like that "magic" is missing. I've been wondering why that is. As an empath, it feels great to tune into the joy of others. It sparks my own joy. This year, the joy level on the planet is extremely low. There is so much anger, despair, frustration and stress and pretty much everyone is tuning into it whether they realize it or not. At the subconscious level, we are tuning into fear on a global level and it is shutting down our hearts. It is time to step away from the news and most media. It is time to stop the gossiping and hate mongering. It is time to stop feeding our fears and our anger. It is time to recharge our hearts and revitalize our Souls with that which nourishes us - Love, Peace, Joy... for ourselves and for others. A simple exercise is to think of a time where you really felt one of those wonderful emotions. Visualize it, FEEL it and invite that high vibrational feeling to expand in your heart. Hold it there for as long as you can. This will help you raise your vibration and attract more of that frequency to you. If you believe in Jesus' teachings, then you know him as The Light of the World. It is paramount to understand that Jesus is trying to teach us how to recognize and be our own Light in the world. Our home and humanity needs this Light/Love now more than ever. Before you lash out at someone's opinion or lose your temper in long lines, STOP - take a deep breath and slowly exhale it out. Ask yourself, are you sending out light or darkness? Recognize that every action and reaction is a choice. Invite in a higher feeling for the situation. Focus on that feeling. Make the conscientious effort to shine your light instead of blasting your darkness. Your well-being and ultimately, that of all on this planet depends upon it. Love, Peace, Light & Magic to you all - Adrienne :)
One afternoon last week, I felt the unrelenting need to go spend time in the woods. I decided to go to the Nature Center near town. When I arrived, I was the only car there - until right when I was getting on the trail, a truck pulled in. There are multiple trails to wander, yet this person and his dog seemed to be on the same brain wave as me. I was randomly taking trails with the idea of arriving at a new trail that I'd been wanting to check out. I walk pretty fast and figured I'd lose them and could relax and just be one with Nature. It seemed that I had succeeded as I made my way to the new loop trail that takes you up and around a small hill. At the top of the hill is a very small patch of pine trees. I love pines, I always feel peaceful in their presence. I very much needed to experience that peace. As I made my way up to the patch of pines, I noticed a group of 6 deer. Of course, once they realized I was there, they started to run off. I stopped to take it all in and realized that the largest of the deer was maybe 25 feet away, opposite me and staring right at me. Whenever I've encountered deer, they always stand sideways and eye me up that way. This one was staring head on. We locked our gaze for what seemed like a minute and I instinctively dropped my head and looked to the side so as to not be perceived as a threat. I didn't look away long as my gaze was drawn back to its eyes. The deer just stood there and moved its tail a bit. I knew that this was all a message for me, but I also sensed that it might be thinking of charging - standing its ground. That's when it turned around and the whole group ran in the opposite direction. I walked a couple more feet and stood amongst the pines, reveling in my deer experience and breathing in that peace, when I was interrupted by that man with the dog walking by. Jeez, not only did he interrupt my peaceful moment in the pines, he must have been the one who scared off the deer as he had come up the part of the loop they were on. He ruined two magical moments! Since my face is an open book of whatever I'm feeling, I'm sure he thought, what a grumpy, unpleasant woman. He continued on his way. I stayed there with the pines for a while trying to sort out and gain clarity on some of the challenges of life that I've been facing. I didn't see the man and his dog again, nor did I see the deer. As I hiked out, I realized - there are no coincidences. There are many trails, yet he took the ones that led him up that hill, interrupting - yes, a magical moment - but also a potentially dangerous one. I was upset my peaceful alone time in the pines was interrupted, yet thanks to them - no harm came to pass with the deer. I tend to receive a lot of messages via Nature. It's one of my favorite ways to receive guidance. It always brings me joy when messages come through via a butterfly, a duck, a bird, a rainbow or whatever shows up when I'm having a session with a client. There's such an energy about them, that you just know they're there for a reason. That day, I received quite a few messages that provided me with greater clarity and I also re-learned a very important lesson - sometimes those who disturb our peace, are there for a greater purpose. When I made it back to the parking lot, his truck was gone. I closed my eyes and sent him and his dog many thanks and blessings for playing their role - a role that perhaps they weren't even aware of. I was reminded that we react to situations from our experiences and the emotions that we're holding. There is always a bigger picture and other view points. I realized that I need to do more clearing work on the emotions that I'm holding as they are disrupting my peace. I'm grateful I was able to recognize what happened that day for what it was. Instead of just an interrupted walk where I saw some neat things, it was one full of beautiful messages and lessons. Find your peace. Love, Adrienne :)
In a little over a week, Star Wars: Episode VII will be released. As many of you know, the internet is abuzz with everything Star Wars. I recently saw a poster of Yoda with a quote that I loved which prompted me to do some research and see what other sage advice the films have offered over the years. I was mostly drawn to the conversations between Yoda and Luke in The Empire Strikes Back. I've included VII quotes and a brief take on the wisdom they offer us today. 1. All his life as he looked away to the future, to the horizon, never his mind on where he was, what he was doing. - Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back Yoda said this as Luke was trying to convince him he was ready for Jedi training. Yoda is reminding us how important it is to be in the present moment. It's o.k. to think and dream about the future, but not when that's all you do. If you live in the future, you're missing out on the now as well as the power to create the future you desire. These next quotes are from The Empire Strikes Back where Yoda was trying to train Luke by freeing the ship from the bog: 2. You must unlearn what you have learned. - Yoda Often we learn things that really don't serve us. We learn to be judgmental and critical of ourselves and others. We learn that we must be the very best or we must be perfect. We learn that we are better than others based on our race, religion, wealth status, etc. These are all learned behaviors that must be unlearned if we are to come back to who we truly are. 3. Luke: All right, I'll give it a try. Yoda: No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try. Yoda is correct in saying there is either do or don't do. The word 'try' does not allow us to fully commit. We either do something or we don't. Stop using the word 'try' and commit to doing - see how it feels. 4. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. - Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back Yoda was trying to explain to Luke how powerful the Force is. It's also a beautiful reminder that we are more than just matter, we are also luminous beings. We are not just our physical body, we are so much more. He notes that energy is everywhere - in all things. Life/creation energy is indeed everywhere in everything. We, as a species, need to come back to that knowledge. 5. Luke: I don’t, I don't believe it. Yoda: That is why you fail. This quote is also from The Empire Strikes Back, spoken after Yoda raised Luke's ship from the water. There is no way we can achieve anything unless we believe in it. If some aspect of ourselves doesn't believe, if we hold doubt, then it's unlikely it will come into fruition. Belief in ourselves is the most powerful, yet perhaps one of the hardest things to do. 6. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. -Yoda, from The Phantom Menace. Most would say that the opposite of love is hate, but it's not - it's fear. Fear is at the root of everything that is not love. Anything that is fear based will lead to suffering. Just look around at what's going on in the world today and tell me that anger and hate do not lead to suffering. 7. Luke: How will I know the good side from the bad? Yoda: You will know when you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack. This conversation was held during the Jedi training in The Empire Strikes Back. This is great wisdom for our time as most people so readily take sides. People allow their anger, their fear, their resentments to stir them up and they become aggressive either in their words or actions. A lot of people are in attack mode. No matter how justified one may feel, this is participation in "the dark side." It is always better to come from a place of love, a place of peace. If Yoda was a real person in our reality, I'm guessing he would be one of the top personal coaches of all time. We can still learn a lot from him. His wisdom take lightly not... ;) Love, Adrienne :)
According to Matthew 22:39, Jesus said: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." He's obviously not referring solely to the neighbors who live in your area - he means everyone. We all share this planet. Anyone who is not you is your neighbor. Yet, people seem to be quite selective about which neighbors they will love and be kind to. Pretty much everywhere we look we can find examples of people not loving their neighbor. War and terrorism are the obvious ones - yet so is turning a blind eye to the plight of others such as the homeless, refugees, sex slaves, girls fighting for the right to an education and the list goes on and on. How about all of the detrimental comments people post on social media against others? How about bullying? How about the simple act of gossiping about others? How about being rude, snarky or nasty to someone? Looking at the state of the world today, it's really important we make the effort to love our neighbors. I believe the primary reason we do not love our neighbors is because we don't know how to really love ourselves. Think about it - if we truly loved ourselves as Creator loves us, our heart would have no room for any emotion other than love. Love and fear/hate/etc. cannot occupy the same space. We either feel love or we feel other than love. If we connected to the unconditional love that we truly are, we would have zero desire to hurt another. In fact, we would have little problem living the law of loving your neighbor as yourself. If we really want to see change in the world, we have to start with ourselves. If we are to really love others, we must know unconditional love of ourselves. It can be very challenging to love ourselves when we depend upon external factors. People will love me if I'm thin, smart, successful, a top athlete, a famous musician, etc., etc., etc. Too often we try to fill our hearts with love from other people - but it's almost always a conditional love. They will only love me if... And we all know what happens if they take their (conditional) love away - it hurts like no other and invites in a huge sense of rejection and unworthiness. Instead of searching out people to love us, we have to fill our hearts with a deep love for ourselves - otherwise, we're just inviting in suffering. It can actually be a huge challenge to really love ourselves. We have to love and accept our flaws. We have to break down our heart walls. We have to be gentle with ourselves and really treasure who we are. We have to remember that we come from love and that is our true nature. Are you able to look yourself in the eyes, in a mirror, and say out loud, "I love you (insert your name here)?" Are you able to actually feel a deep love for yourself? Do you feel a strong sense of connection with your heart? If any of the answers are no, then you have work to do. Egoic love is not what we're shooting for. We're looking to reconnect to the essence of unconditional love - a love Jesus embodied. A love available to all of us. We are all branches of the same tree. What we do to another is ultimately what we do to ourselves. Learn to love yourself and do your best to open your heart and love others - ALL others. Do the necessary work to remove the blocks and obstacles that keep you from that unconditional love of self. For when we can truly love ourselves, it will become second nature to also love our neighbors. With, in, from LOVE - Adrienne :)
July 2024
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |