This following is a post from HONY - Humans of New York. Most people reading this are fortunate enough to be living with plenty - materialistically speaking. We have closets full of clothes, we have food to eat, water to drink, hot water for showers, heat in the winter and a/c in the summer, access to washers and dryers as well as some mode of transportation. Then, there's the video games, home cinema and surround sound systems, cell phones, purses, sports equipment, computers, printers, instruments, workout equipment, toys... you name it. We are definitely surrounded by abundance - an abundance of things and the perpetuated idea that what we already have isn't enough. I'm not saying stop buying things, I am suggesting that you do ask yourself: why do you really want it? Is it going to make your life better? How? Why? If you do make your purchase then be sure to feel gratitude for it in your heart.
Nowadays, we're also surrounded by an abundance of instant media, fear, uncertainty, addiction to social media, isolation from others, frustration, violence, despair... and the list can go on and on. Too many people are automatically tuned into a lot of this. Is this really the type of abundance you choose to have in your life? If you choose to have peace, start with yourself and make the effort to turn off the distractions. Get quiet, connect to the TRUTH, the true part of you that knows that fear, despair, frustration, etc. are all perceptions and experiences that you, at some level, have chosen or choose to have. You can always change your perceptions and thus your experiences. It does take some work, but it absolutely can be done. Take a moment to ask yourself what you choose to surround yourself with and why? Then, create your own ritual for experiencing the non-material things: love, joy, passion, appreciation, compassion… Love, Adrienne :) P.S. I wish all those in the United States a very Happy Thanksgiving!
If attitude is altitude, then gratitude is the attitude! If you haven't heard of Nick Vujicic - you need to watch the video below. He's pure inspiration. It was on his website, many years ago, that I saw the phrase "attitude is altitude." How true is that? If we have a crappy attitude, we're at a low vibration. If we have a more positive attitude, then our vibration is higher. I had to search for his site again to be sure to credit him properly and I found this: Attitude Is Everything And Self Perception Determines Direction. Again, how true! It's hard to have a positive attitude when you perceive yourself as less or unworthy or you perceive your situations as unfair or never-ending pain. It's working on our perception, that we're able to shift our attitude. How do we shift our perception? This is something I've been working on non-stop recently. There are many modalities out there to assist us. Use the ones that speak to you. I'm using Healing Codes, EFT, Emotion Code, clearing subconscious beliefs and working with the Angels in assisting me in doing some major releasing. It's hard to perceive the world as a safe place if we are full of mistrust energy. It's hard to have a positive attitude if we're full of despair energy and hold beliefs that feed off that energy. It's all good to say - change your way of thinking, change your perception. To do so is another matter entirely, especially when your perception is working off of subconscious beliefs and the low vibration trapped energy we all hold - until we do something about it. Where does gratitude come in? It comes in at every step. When I use a modality, I give gratitude. When I find another subconscious belief or trapped emotional energy - I give gratitude for finding it, gratitude for what I've learned from it and then gratitude for releasing it. What I've come to realize is that it is key to not just say the words - I'm grateful or I give gratitude - you have to feel that energy. Give gratitude from your heart. Feel it in your heart. Don't just say gratitude - FEEL it. Connect to that aspect of you (your heart) where you can truly feel the high vibration emotions - gratitude, love, joy. Where they're no longer an idea, they're a very real feeling that lights you up. Try it - when you give thanks for your blessings, do it from your heart. Tell yourself to speak your gratitude from your heart and not from your head and then feel it. Yes, attitude is altitude, perception is direction and gratitude is the attitude to help you soar. Be Light, fly high - Love, Adrienne :) As I was writing last week's post, I started to switch from using the word "giving" to using the word "gifting." I noticed this and wondered why? To me, the word gifting feels like it comes more from the heart. You're not expecting anything in return and everyone loves to receive gifts. It just sounds different to me to say - I'd like to give some money to the homeless person vs. I'd like to gift some money to the homeless person. Perhaps it's just semantics, but the word gift feels like it carries a higher vibration than the word give.
At the end of this month, those in the U.S. will give thanks for our blessings. Which begs the question, shouldn't everyday be Thanks Giving? We have indeed been gifted in many ways. Mother Earth gifts us with her beauty, keeps our rhythms aligned, feeds us and nourishes us. Our fur friends gift us with their antics and their joy and love. Our families and friends gift us with their support, their ears for listening, their hugs and so much more. The present is indeed a gift as it allows us to be in the NOW and appreciate what we have and change what is not in alignment with our true selves. Gifting is such a wonderful way to allow someone else to experience the joy of gratitude of receiving - and you to experience the joy of gratitude of gifting. Gift a smile, gift a helping hand, gift your time to someone or a cause who needs it, gift food to the hungry, gift loving recognition to those society prefers to ignore, gift your musical talents to someone who could use some cheering up. There are so many ways we can gift. With each gift, we can raise the vibrations on this planet and that is something to truly be grateful for. Gifting you all heartfelt love and hugs - Adrienne :) When I lived in NYC, I noticed a "trend" on the subway. Whenever someone would panhandle, it was always those who looked like they didn't have much who gave something. I never once witnessed a Wall Street type give anything other than a look. Years ago, during a visit to Chicago, I was stopped by a man asking for money outside of a Starbucks. I said I'd be happy to buy him a drink, he insisted on the money. My terms were drink or nothing. My thoughts followed the track of, I'm not supporting your alcohol or drug problem. I ended up buying him an orange juice and gave it to him, meanwhile he was still cursing me out for not giving him money. You always hear of people who are truly in need and you also hear of those who are running scams. I've heard stories of people pretending to have cancer and collecting donations or people standing on the road with a sign who didn't need the money for necessities. There are organizations who collect donations yet very little of that money actually sees its way to the cause or people you're donating to. Who should we give to? When it comes to the organizations - do some research (i.e. When it comes to individual people - follow your gut. My theory about the subway riders is that those who have "been there," those who know what it's like to struggle, and perhaps have had to ask others for help, are more sympathetic to the panhandlers and are more willing to be compassionate and give. In all fairness, this is a sweeping generalization. Not all Wall Street types don't give to others in need and not all those who have "been there" do. As for the man outside Starbucks - it's none of my business how he uses the money. I have the choice - gift him money, offer to buy him something or do nothing. He has the choice as what to do with the money. Gifting shouldn't come with conditions. It's about following your gut and your heart. If you feel drawn to gift - then do. I saw an interesting video recently where a man dressed up as a street person and anyone who gave him some money, he gave them the money back plus $20. He wanted to reward the givers. I've included this video below as well as the extras video. They both speak volumes. Gift when your heart leads you to. It doesn't have to be money - a smile, a compliment, a hug or recognizing someone's existence can do so much. Gifting you virtual hugs - Adrienne :)
January 2025
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |