I've seen a few posters like this and they always bring a smile to my face as I think, yep - they probably do ;) I know my Guardian Angels have been very busy. I wonder if they knew what they were signing up for? I've had quite a few close calls in my life where I know, without a doubt, that my Angels stepped in to protect me. The time I had my headphones on and stopped walking for no reason at a corner (that's always dead) just in time as a car came careening around that corner. Or, the time, without thinking, I threw myself across the back seat of a taxi, basically lying in my friends laps, as an oncoming car crashed into my door. There was the day they got my attention when I came home and happened to see wisps of smoke - birds had built a nest in a porch light and it was catching on fire. There was the time I was on a racing yacht and had been standing under the boom for quite a while when all of a sudden I felt the need to go sit down - seconds later the boom came crashing down. I'm certain it would have split my skull had I still been standing there. That same night, I was exhausted and still a bit shaken about the boat incident when 'something' made me look above my bed and lo and behold - a poisonous spider (R.I.P.). I've been in some pretty precarious situations where I would come out shaken, but unscathed. I have to say, out of everything I've experienced, the volcano incident is what sticks with me the most. I was climbing an active volcano in Chile that's at a high altitude and covered in snow (see photo above). We were given pick axes to help with the climb. On the way down, there were runs (think bobsleds without the bobsled) that we could slide down. The first two were a no-go for me. I didn't have a lot of meat on my bones and I couldn't really get moving, so one of my guides took one end of my pick ax and ran me down the side of the volcano until the third run. There, he assured me, I would be able to slide down this last run. He reminded me to use my pick ax if I was going too fast. I doubted that would even be an issue. I started to slide and was really happy that I could finally do it. It occurred to me a little too late that I was picking up too much speed. As I went around a corner, I actually shot out of the run. Next thing I knew, I was sliding down the side of the volcano completely out of control. I was going down head first, feet first, head again, feet again. And let me tell you - I was LOVING it! I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie and I was getting quite the rush. Then, I heard a voice in my head - clear as day say, "You need to slow down now." At first my mind was like, 'but I'm having fun.' Then, it was 'I'd better listen.' Actually, slowing down was not so easy. I flipped myself onto my stomach and tried to dig my pick ax into the snow (how I held onto that thing the whole time and didn't get jabbed by it is a miracle in and of itself). I didn't have much luck. I couldn't dig it in to stop myself, but it did slow me down somewhat. I noticed that at the end of my ride was a very jagged - rip you to shreds - sharp - kind of rock ledge. I remember thinking, 'oh, this isn't good.' As I was bracing myself for the inevitable, someone suddenly grabbed my climbing suit and somehow pulled me to a stop - just short of the ledge. He was a guide from another group, but I also knew he was my Angel. I have no idea, how he was able to stop me, I just remember I was laughing (I was still on my adrenaline high). I thanked him, got up and continued down to the base. It wasn't until later that day that I realized the enormity and possible severity of my predicament.
As many people can attest, our Guardian Angels do come to our aid and can do so in many different ways. It's always a good idea to send them some love and thank them for watching over you. Definitely take a moment to give them gratitude when they do step in and help out.
Authors note: The electric company claims that it is a myth that what they're attaching to every single home and business causes people to get sick. They claim that these meters are harmless. There are many scientists and a growing number of the general public who know from experience that their claim of harmless couldn't be farther from the truth. Please forward this blog entry to others. It may very well help them find the answer to their mystery illness or save them from becoming sick. We all have a right to be informed. In January of this year everyone in my home started having random health issues. While most of our symptoms were different, they seemed to get worse in February. By the first week of March, it was getting ridiculous. I saw a post for Sedona’s Smart Meter Awareness campaign on Facebook and I wondered - what kind of meter did we have and where was it located? Turns out, APS (our electric company) replaced our analog meter with a digital meter without our knowledge or our consent. The meter’s location - one foot from where I work and sleep. I did some research and realized that every single one of our symptoms was on a list of possible symptoms caused by automated meters. We called APS and demanded they replace the digital meter with a non-transmitting analog meter - which they did the next day. That very day, everyone’s symptoms started to dissipate. Coincidence? I think not.
While some of my symptoms (such as a burning pain in my head) did go away, I began to feel the full effect of the harm this digital meter and the dirty electricity it created had caused. “Dirty electricity is a spiky, pulsed, highly variable electrical current that rides through all the circuitry of a building. It has devastating health effects." (1) I spent 9 days in bed. My muscles and nerves were constantly burning or tingling. I felt like I was in a state of toxic shock. I still have a hard time concentrating. I mainly work from my computer and now I can only use it short periods of time. These symptoms were caused by a digital meter which is a step down from a smart meter. If we were all ill from a digital meter, I shudder to think what a smart meter would do to our health. These “smart” meters are being implemented across the U.S. and in other countries. My question is - why? The World Health Organization has classified them as a Class B carcinogen. There are hundreds of thousands of people who have become sick due to these meters. The job of the electric company is to provide us with electricity – not impair our health. Plus, smart meters are replacing jobs – a lot of jobs. The so-called benefits of these smart meters are heavily outweighed by the detriment they actually cause. Here is a list of symptoms associated with automated (digital/smart) meters: * Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, night waking, nightmares) * Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability * Headaches, sharp pain or pressure in the head * Ringing in the ears, ear pain, high pitched ringing * High blood pressure * Concentration, memory or learning problems * Fatigue, muscle or physical weakness * Disorientation, dizziness, or balance problems * Changes in menstrual cycle * Eye problems, including eye pain, pressure in the eyes * Urinary problems * Arthritis, body pain, sharp, stabbing pains * Skin rashes, facial flushing * Cardiac symptoms, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmias, chest pain * Seizures * Leg cramps, or neuropathy * Sinus problems, nose bleeds * Nausea, flu-like symptoms * Respiratory problems, cough, asthma * Endocrine disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes * Hyperactivity or changes in children’s behavior * Recurrence of cancer (2) The best website I’ve found so far is emfanalysis. They give you information in a straightforward, organized manner along with a ton of references and resources. There, you will find information about EHS - electro-hypersensitivity - which is trending to be a side effect of automated meter exposure. With EHS, you are super sensitive to cell phones, lap tops, cell towers and wifi. In regards to EHS: “Approximately 3% - 5% of people are moderately affected, with another 20-25% of people being slightly affected. Less than 1% of the population is severely affected, but the numbers are rapidly increasing with the exponential rise in EMF pollution in our homes and communities. Even if you do not feel the effects of EMF pollution, your biology is still being damaged by this invisible pollution. Thus, all humans are electro-sensitive to a degree.” (3) Those with EHS and those of us who are recognizing the harm caused by automated meters are like smoke alarms telling you there’s a fire. Or, if you will, we are the canary in the coal mine. If you care about your health, if you care about the health of your family, your children, your pets – do some research. If this doesn’t sway you, you may also want to check with your insurance company as these are not always covered in case of fire. “Libber heads the group, Maryland Smart Meter Awareness, and is a former attorney for the Environmental Protection Agency. He warns the fires and overheating should be cause for concern. "You've got safety issues. They've been linked to over 900 fires nationwide," he claims.” (4) For those of you in Arizona – the ACC has blocked APS from charging any opt-out fees until the Health Department has determined that smart meters are safe. They will be installing smart meters in Sedona by the end of March. You still have time to opt-out. Call APS and demand to opt-out, or if they’ve already replaced your meter, demand they reinstall a non-transmitting analog meter. If you have experienced any symptoms from a digital or smart meter, it is imperative that you contact the ACC. I’d be happy to provide you with the details. There's a whole lot more to this issue - privacy, security, costing consumers more money instead of saving... Check out the links below. Become informed and base your decision on what's best for you and your family. For more information: http://www.sedonasmartmeterawareness.com http://emfsafetynetwork.org http://www.emfanalysis.com/science.html http://www.emfwise.com/science.php http://www.eiwellspring.org/smartmeter.html http://www.smartmetereducationnetwork.com/index.html http://marylandsmartmeterawareness.org/category/general-info/health-concerns/ http://www.national-toxic-encephalopathy-foundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Biological_and_Health_Effects_of_Microwave_Radio_Frequency_Transmissions.pdf Documentary: http://www.takebackyourpower.net Smart meter fires: http://emfsafetynetwork.org/smart-meters/smart-meter-fires-and-explosions/ Stealth meters: http://www.eiwellspring.org/smartmeter/StealthMeters.htm To find out how many towers and antennae are near your home: http://www.antennasearch.com References: 1. http://www.smartmetereducationnetwork.com/dirtyelec101.html 2. http://emfsafetynetwork.org/smart-meters/smart-meter-health-complaints/ 3. http://www.emfanalysis.com/ehs.html 4.http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/22240644/fox-5-investigates-smart-meters-spark-controversy A hug is a universal medicine, it is how we handshake from the heart. -Anonymous A study found that one-third of people receive no hugs on a daily basis while 75 percent said they wanted more hugs. (1)
Did you know that hugging can: lower blood pressure reduce stress ease depression boost your immune system improve your mental, physical and emotional health Did you know there's a better way to hug? 1. Hug heart to heart (hug to the right) to develop a connection. Most people tend to hug liver to liver (hug to the left) where anger and frustration energies are held. Not really something you want to share or pick up from someone else. 2. Make it count. Most people do the quick hug that lasts just a few seconds. Research and personal experience have shown me, the longer the hug - the better. That doesn't mean you have to hug someone for 5 minutes, but you do want to make sure it's an actual hug lasting 10 - 20 seconds or more. Who to hug? Definitely hug the people you trust and have a connection with: your kids, your partner, your siblings, your parents, your best friends. If you don't get along with a certain person, hugging them probably won't feel that great. I've read articles that claim hugging campaigns (people holding posters saying FREE HUGS) can be dangerous and increase stress. If it's someone who doesn't give you a good vibe or they don't want to be hugged, then I agree - hold off on the hugging. More often than not, there are a lot of people out there who long for a connection, who really could use a hug. When I see someone I don't know, or casually know, and it's obvious they need a hug, I always ask permission first. How to hug? Embrace the other person heart to heart, let your mind clear and soon your breathing will match. Allow for that connection to happen. This takes some time, but you can hug as long as it feels right. For those who aren't used to it, it may feel uncomfortable at first. It just takes some practice. Once you're into it, these are the best hugs ever. Why hug longer? 1. It gives you time to connect to the other person, which is especially important in this day and age when everything is happening at such a fast pace and on a very impersonal level. 2. It gives your body some time to relax and release into the hug. 3. It allows oxytocin to start to flow which is beneficial to our health and well-being. 4. A genuine hug allows us to feel love, oneness and safety. Try it out for yourself. It won't take long to feel the benefits of a real, connected hug. The cool part is it's reciprocal. You can't give a hug without getting one back. Sources: 1 http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/02/06/hugging.aspx 2 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2230972/Embrace-hugging--good-you.html 3 http://www.care2.com/greenliving/the-benefits-of-hugging.html?page=1 I hear it all the time. I even catch myself saying it. "Again? I've already worked on that issue. I thought I was done!" Why is it we work on resolving an issue, think we have overcome it and then find ourselves circling back to it later on? When that happens, it can be really frustrating.
Some see it as life constantly testing them. I see it more as a kind of spiral. When we first encounter an issue, we see, feel and handle it with our prior experiences and beliefs. Each time we work on that issue, we learn something. The next time it comes around, we're looking at it from a different perspective. We've learned more, we have access to different tools, we see it from a different vantage point. There is something there that we still must learn or release. The issues that come up in our lives time and time again always have something to teach us. So what do you do if that persistent issue rears its head again? 1. Try not to get frustrated. Be very loving and gentle with yourself. 2. Pray/ask for guidance to be shown what you need to know and how to deal with it. 3. Try new modalities. Maybe you need to release at a molecular level, maybe it has to do with past life stuff, maybe you need to look at getting your chakras in balance. The possibilities are many. Go with what resonates with you. 4. Learn. Learn as much as you can from the situation. What is life trying to teach you? 5. SMILE (Smile More It Lifts Energy). By allowing low vibrational energies into the picture, it's harder to move forward. Acknowledge them, let them go and lift your energy. Try to see the situation from a Soul space - things tend to make a lot more sense then. |
January 2025
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |