Welcome to BE from the Heart's Newsletter
July 2017, Vol. 4, Issue 2
Freedom is defined as "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint; absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government; the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved." On July 4th, the United States celebrated its Independence Day. Many proudly sing that we are 'the land of the free and the home of the brave.' I always question the part about the land of the free. In many ways we enjoy freedoms that are not open to others in other countries; yet, in many ways we are very restricted compared to other countries as we are heavily restrained by a plethora of rules and restrictions. Add to that, many are enslaved by stress and worry around relationships, finances and society in general. Many are addicted to social media, drugs, sex and or alcohol. Freedom encompasses so much more than what we tend to be aware of.
I am learning that we are very much enslaved by our ego. True freedom lies in awareness. Awareness allows us to break free from our fears, to break free from our limiting beliefs and thoughts and to break free from the ego and its script. The ego serves us as a survival mechanism, but when we subconsciously hand our lives over to it and let it run as it chooses, we are enslaved. We are not who we really are. We are boxed in. We identify with our thoughts, our emotions and our roles that we play in society. We identify with beliefs that most likely aren't even our own. We are restricted from BEing our True Self when we're caught up in the drama of the ego and the outer world.
So, how do we start to break free? How do we become more aware? It starts with simply making the intent to become more aware, more conscious of our thoughts and feelings. Meditating is a wonderful way to start going inside and connecting with our True Essence. Journaling is another beneficial way to allow an inner dialogue and get to know who we really are. Another way is catching our thoughts and questioning: why am I thinking this? Is it really true? Is it really my own thought? Becoming aware of and acknowledging our feelings instead of burying them down is yet another way. Another is non-reactivity - catching ourselves before we react, then taking a breath which gives ourselves time to respond instead.
True freedom lies in the immaterial, in the Essence of our True Self and in the expansion and alignment with the flow of the Universe. True freedom lies in the non-resistance of what is, in non-reaction and non-judgment. True freedom lies in the knowing that change is constant and that our joy does not come from the outside in, it comes from the inside out. True freedom is being in the Now - not living in the past or projecting into the future. True freedom begins internally. The question is, are you ready to remove the bonds of that which is not You?
Love, Adrienne :)
Desire and Destiny - Free 21 day meditation
Oprah and Deepak are back at it again with yet another free 21 day meditation. They're now into the second week, but you can still join at any time and have access to the previous 5 days meditations. I highly suggest listening to the mountain quest visualization from Day 7. Click here to sign up for access.
A quote to ponder:
We are better together! Everyone contributing to the whole. It seems this world could really use a dance party break :)
A cool share:
I'm not sure how much longer this offer will be available, but they have some really awesome free ebooks. Among the selection: Goddess Wisdom, The Akashic Records, Numerology, Qabalah, Mediumship and Astrology: A Guide To Understanding Your Birth Chart. I've always learned a lot from these series. Dive in to what interests you by clicking here.
Art from the Soul:
Fireworks! It seems that people are getting more and more creative. I always look forward to seeing what new kinds of displays show up - in form and color. It's so amazing to me how they're timed and create such beautiful designs. I remember how impressed I was with the figures they created at Disneyland in Tokyo. This is what we humans should be lighting the night sky with for all to enjoy - instead of bombs and missiles. The explosions we create should inspire beauty, not death. Below is a video that is worth a watch. Enjoy :)
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Love, Adrienne :)