Welcome to BE from the Hear t's Newsletter
September 2015, Vol. 2, Issue 4
Can you believe it's already September? I read a great saying the other day: Time flies - but you're the pilot. What a wonderful reminder that we decide how to use our time, especially since it does seem to be passing by a lot faster than I remember. I've noticed friends who send out photos of their toddlers and I stop and think - didn't they just have that baby??? Ironically, the only way we notice time is if we have some point of reference - we look older, the seasons change, our monthly bills come due, we're late for an appointment, etc. Lately, I've been losing more track of time and it's been quite liberating. I will sit outside for hours doing release work and meditations and it hardly feels like I've been out for so long. I find it sad that people want more hours in the day so they can get more done. There will always be so much to DO - if that's where you put your attention and decide to focus your energy on. How often do you spend time in your day just BEing? I highly recommend the following: go outside, sit under a tree, check in with your senses - what do you see, smell, hear, taste, feel and sense? Check on your breathing - are you breathing from the chest or your belly? If you're in your chest, drop your breath to your lower belly. Try to meditate for little while and talk to your heart, your Soul. Is there anything it wants you to know? Most importantly, just enjoy the moment. For that span of time, let go of your worries and to-do lists. Enjoy being present and aware. Warning - it can become addictive and very healing for mind, body and Soul ;)
As many of you know, Dr. Wayne Dyer transitioned last month. He was a wonderful teacher and gift to all of us looking to connect with ourselves at a deeper level. He was a living example with what we can do with our lives no matter the circumstances. While it's sad that he's no longer with us physically - he has left behind a treasure trove of books, audios and videos. The Shift is one of his movies that is just so profound and beautiful. I've watched it several times and seem to learn something more with every viewing. I highly recommend this movie. As luck would have it, for just a few more days, Hay House is offering a free viewing of this film. I believe this offer runs until September 7th, so take advantage. It was Wayne's goal that 3 million people see this film. Let's help him reach that. Click here to watch The Shift.
Also, Hay House worked out an arrangement with Amazon (and Nook and Apple) for people to buy Dr. Dyer's Memoir: I Can See Clearly Now in eBook format for just $1.99. I went on Amazon and found that the majority of the books he's written are selling for $1.99 if you buy the Kindle versions. This is an amazing offer. I have no idea how long this will last so be sure to check it out!
Braco is back!
It's been a few months since the last free streaming. Thankfully, they're back at it again Tuesday, Sept. 8 - Thursday, Sept. 10th. If you haven't experienced his gazing, I suggest you check it out. Braco is a conduit of Divine love and energy - I liken it a bit to Reiki, except he uses his gaze and it is powerful!
Did you know that Braco never speaks at his events? He doesn't want language to get in the way of the energy, nor his words twisted and misconstrued. It's not something he's meant to tell you about, it's something you're meant to feel and experience in your own way. Click here to be directed to the Braco streaming page. |
August' s Blog Posts
Plastic, plastic everywhere!
Be a hero - 6 steps to help save the planet!
Denial, Nature and Julia Roberts
Drop it!!!
If you missed any of last month's blog posts and would like to check them out, click on the button below.
Be a hero - 6 steps to help save the planet!
Denial, Nature and Julia Roberts
Drop it!!!
If you missed any of last month's blog posts and would like to check them out, click on the button below.
For reflection:
For a chuckle:
Cool Link:
If you're on Facebook, I highly recommend checking out the following link: click here. If it doesn't pop up, search for Eden Energy Medicine Programs page. Every Wednesday, Donna Eden or her daughters present a one minute energy tune up. They have exercises for calming anxiety, boosting your energy, gaining clarity as well as help for various health ailments - just to name a few. Donna Eden is an amazing energy worker. I do her 5 minute daily exercise routine and it's made a huge difference in balancing my energies. To top it off, these gals are fun, peppy and full of energy. You can find out more about Donna Eden and her amazing work by clicking here.
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Have a beautiful month! - Adrienne :)