Welcome to BE from the Heart's Newsletter
September 2016, Vol. 3, Issue 4
I'm just barely getting September's newsletter out before October comes walking through the door. I'd like to send out a belated Feliz Grito to all of my friends in Mexico for their Independence Day on September 16th. The Fall Equinox took place this month on the 22nd. Schools are back in full gear and the weather is (finally) starting to cool off. I'm sad to see September go, but welcome October (my favorite month) with open arms.
Recently, I attended an event where Sharon McErlane spoke about The Grandmothers and the Net of Light. The Grandmothers are a group of Divine Beings who have been delivering messages through Sharon to help us in these turbulent times. The Net of Light is basically the Grid (for those who are familiar with it). "The Net of Light," the Grandmothers say, "supports everything in the Universe and will hold the earth steady during the times of change that are upon you now. Work with the radiant Net," they urge, "to support life." Sharon led us through a Net of Light meditation which was profound. She also guided us through an empowerment ceremony which was very transformational for me. The Universe brings us the right people at the right time and this was one of those instances. I highly recommend you check out their website: http://www.netoflight.org. Sharon has also written a few books sharing The Grandmother's messages which you can also find more about on the website.
Wednesday, September 28th marked 3 years of writing weekly blog posts. This was a commitment I made to myself that I'm very happy I followed through with. I've enjoyed writing and hearing your comments. Thank you to everyone who participated from reading to commenting. I'm grateful to you all. I have a feeling I will be writing more posts in the future, but only when inspiration strikes. Thank you again for taking this journey with me. Love, Adrienne :)
August's Blog Posts
Others' opinions
Who are you not to shine?
There are no wrong paths
5 Perspective shifts
To be or not to be or to be again?
If you missed any of last month's blog posts and would like to check them out, click on the button below.
Who are you not to shine?
There are no wrong paths
5 Perspective shifts
To be or not to be or to be again?
If you missed any of last month's blog posts and would like to check them out, click on the button below.
For reflection:
For a chuckle:
Art from the Soul:
Korean born artist Lee Jae Hyo creates amazing sculptures using various materials such as: wood, nails, stone, metal and scraps. See some of his gorgeous creations in the slideshow below. To see more of his work click here.
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Love, Adrienne :)