Welcome to BE from the Heart's Newsletter
November 2015, Vol. 2, Issue 6
Thanksgiving - a time for giving gratitude for all of our blessings. Gratitude is a high vibrational energy. As we come upon this holiday, I ask everyone to take a moment and check where their vibration is. Since the attacks in Paris, it is overwhelming and disheartening how many people are reacting in such a low vibrational way. The sheer negativity of their comments attacking people they don't even know or attacking people they do know due to conflicting opinions is contributing to the darkness they claim they are opposed to. Enough with the divisions. Enough with the generalizations. Enough with the us vs. them mentality. We are ONE human family. I know that I am grateful that I have come to that realization. I know this world can be a better place, but that won't happen unless you and I do our best to live at higher vibrations - compassion, LOVE, peace, joy...
I recently walked into a large grocery store in Virginia and was honestly taken aback at the quantity of food which seemed to be in excess. I wondered how much of it actually goes to waste. I was surrounded by so much food along with the knowledge that there are way too many people in this country and in the world who are starving. There truly is no excuse for this. I have hit hard times and the generosity of others made absolutely every difference in the world. When you can - give. Give money, your time, your talents, your smile or a helping hand when the opportunity presents itself and then give gratitude for the beautiful gift of giving. For as we give, we receive. Do not just give thanks on Thursday by saying the words - FEEL them in your heart. Giving from our heart and acting from our heart is what nourishes the Soul and it's also what brings more light into the world.
I recently walked into a large grocery store in Virginia and was honestly taken aback at the quantity of food which seemed to be in excess. I wondered how much of it actually goes to waste. I was surrounded by so much food along with the knowledge that there are way too many people in this country and in the world who are starving. There truly is no excuse for this. I have hit hard times and the generosity of others made absolutely every difference in the world. When you can - give. Give money, your time, your talents, your smile or a helping hand when the opportunity presents itself and then give gratitude for the beautiful gift of giving. For as we give, we receive. Do not just give thanks on Thursday by saying the words - FEEL them in your heart. Giving from our heart and acting from our heart is what nourishes the Soul and it's also what brings more light into the world.
Happy ThanksGIVING, Adrienne :)
Braco's Gaze - Free Live Streaming!
It's Braco's birthday! Join Braco live in Zagreb, Croatia from Sunday, November 22nd (11pm EST) through Wednesday, November 25th. Click here for more info and times. What a beautiful way to open your heart to more gratitude!
Did you know that Braco never speaks at his events? He doesn't want language to get in the way of the energy, nor his words twisted and misconstrued. It's not something he's meant to tell you about, it's something you're meant to feel and experience in your own way. |
October's Blog Posts
Us vs. Them
41 will be...
Back to the Present
Casting curses...
If you missed any of last month's blog posts and would like to check them out, click on the button below.
41 will be...
Back to the Present
Casting curses...
If you missed any of last month's blog posts and would like to check them out, click on the button below.
For reflection:
For a chuckle:
Cool Link:
Steph Halligan, creator, artist and writer of Art to Self, sends out emails of her sketches and notes for inspiration. I love what she shares and I always gain something from her points of view. I've included a sample email below. To sign up for these FREE emails, click here.
There are two trains of thought running in my head at all times: a negative train and a positive train.
The negative train is powered by worry and my inner critic telling me how things could be better. And when that negative train starts to pick up steam, it can get going really fast. The good news? The positive train is fueled by easy, everyday things: it’s fueled by simple gratitudes and little moments of happiness. And even when the negative train is moving fast, I know I can always switch trains. When I switch tracks and focus on a positive train of thought for just a minute or more, I can shift my entire mood. And as the good thoughts start to build steam, I start traveling down the right track. I just need to fuel the right train. If your brain’s going down a negative track, switch tracks. Change trains of thought. – Steph |
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In GRATITUDE - Adrienne :)