Welcome to BE from the Hear t's Newsletter
May 2015, Issue 12
To all the Mom's out there of every kind in every way - Happy Mother's Day :)
It has been a tumultuous time lately. I kind of feel like a pinball being pinged at every turn as I bounce off obstacles in the game of life. While I haven't been able to connect with Spirit Realm for sessions, they are sending me messages at each turn. I was blessed to meet a wonderful healer who was very giving of her time, Love and Light. She helped me start to see things from a new perspective. She used the metaphor of a hamster wheel of negativity - that if we keep running on it, how will things get better? I can tell you first hand, when things seem to go wrong and continually go that way, it's very hard to find even a speck of light, a speck of hope. But, we have to find that speck in order to create any kind of change. We also have to choose to jump off the negative hamster wheel. It's so easy to throw the blame outside ourselves and listen to all of the ego chatter. It's hard not to try to control things especially when life seems to be spiraling out of control. That's the time to stop, go inside, deal with the chatter and decide on which energy you'd like to project out into the Universe. We're like beacons, whatever signal we're giving out, that's what we're attracting into our lives.
Messages have been coming through many different ways and people. I've been attending a wonderful service on Sundays in San Diego. I walk out of there with so many 'ah-hah' moments. Last week, I was able to partake in a dear friend's birthday beach celebration with a group of vibrant, joyful women. They reminded me that we're all going through tough things in life, but even so, why not smile and be joyful? Last Friday, I was able to participate in a gathering on gratitude and it was so wonderful to be in a group where we were all complete strangers, yet we opened our hearts and shared our experiences with each other. The repetitive message from all of these experiences has been - keep seeing the good, keep feeling the good - it's there. I invite you to try and do the same. Even with as crazy as things are in this world, there is a lot of good and we can be generators of even more good. - Love, Adrienne :)
Hay House World Summit 2015
The 2015 Hay House World Summit starts May 9th. You'll have access to over 100 talks on a wide variety of topics from the leading experts in the industry such as: Brian Weiss, Colette Baron-Reid, Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Sonia Choquette, Kyle Grey, Mike Dooley and many more. Plus, it's free! Click here to sign up for the summit.
3 days of Free Gazing with Braco!
Great news - they're offering free gazing with Braco, live from Croatia, May 12-14.
Click here for more info. and the schedule. For those who are unfamiliar with Braco: "Although he doesn't call himself a healer, thousands who have experienced his gaze do. Others call Braco a Conduit of Divine Energy. Others call Braco a Gazer, a Lightworker or even a Vibrational Healing Artist who is somehow able to silently and instantly heal, peacefully massaging the consciousness of tens of thousands around the world into feeling better or embracing more joy.We just call Braco a beautiful man … with an extraordinary gift to share." I have attended some of his gazings online as well as in person in AZ and in CA. It's an incredible experience and quite impactful. They usually charge for the online gazing, so take advantage of this gift if it resonates with you :) |
April' s Blog Posts
Why We Shout In Anger
Love Our Earth Day - EVERY Day
The Message
Second Chances
April 1st ;)
If you missed any of last month's blog posts and would like to check them out, click on the button below.
Love Our Earth Day - EVERY Day
The Message
Second Chances
April 1st ;)
If you missed any of last month's blog posts and would like to check them out, click on the button below.
For a chuckle:
Cool Link:
I really love to see how creative people are. The following stop-motion videos are by PES. He uses everyday objects in his concepts. Each video is under 2 minutes - enjoy!
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Have a wonderful month of May!
Love, Light and Hugs - Adrienne :)
Love, Light and Hugs - Adrienne :)