Welcome to BE from the Heart's Newsletter
December 2016, Vol. 3, Issue 7
It's that festive time of the year. I love seeing the lights on the houses and the Christmas trees in the windows. There's just a special feel to the season that warms the heart, yet how often do we tend to let stress get the best of us? There's food to prepare, errands to run, presents to buy, cards to send, decorations to put up and the list goes on and on. It can really take the cheer out of the holidays if we let ourselves get caught up in the DOING of everything. This is such a beautiful time for us to be truly present. Christmas has become simultaneous with presents, yet how many of us are fully present? Our essence is LOVE - we are from it, of it, we are it. Love truly is the best gift that exists. As you go about your holiday preparations and gatherings, allow your heart to be as open as possible. Allow yourself the opportunity to really be in the moment and enjoy what is - whether that's baking, wrapping a gift or watching someone you love sing a Christmas carol. There are so many beautiful moments that we miss out on because our focus is on the doing and not the BEing. I invite you this Christmas to BE present, to BE the love that you are. I wish you and yours the happiest of holidays and a very Merry Christmas.
Love, Adrienne :)
Gazing with Braco
There will be free live streaming from Croatia of Braco's gaze on December 20-22nd from 11a.m.-5p.m. If you've never experienced this gazing/connection with Source energy, you can find out more information when you click on the link.
December 21st is winter solstice - the shortest day of the year in terms of daylight.
To warm the heart ;)
At this time of year, we're inundated with ads. Here are two sweet ones from the U.K. Sharing is caring ;)
For reflection:
For a chuckle:
Art from the Soul:
Japanese born artist, Kumi Yamashita, is quite a genius with her use of materials to express her creativity. I love her images of shadows which is how I came upon her work. She also uses rubbings, constellation and warp & weft techniques to create her pieces. For her rubbings, she uses the subject's expired personal credit card to create their portrait. For the warp and weft technique, I prefer to use her own words: "Sometimes there is something beautiful about things falling apart. Undoing one thing while simultaneously creating another. Here I’ve taken fabric and pulled out bits and pieces of the lighter color thread to create the images." Her constellation works are made from a white wood panel, thousands of galvanized nails and one very long unbroken strand of sewing thread. She combines the immaterial and material in her light and shadow work. In one piece, she formed the images of faces from creases that she made in origami paper. You can see more of her creative endeavors by checking out her website.
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Merry Christmas! Love, Adrienne :)