Welcome to BE from the Hear t's Newsletter
August 2015, Vol. 2, Issue 3
Can you believe summer is winding down? Time really does seem to be flying. Speaking for myself, it has definitely been a summer of change and growth. I've had more moments of being present - feeling the sun warming my face and the breeze blowing through my hair and just BEing in that radiant moment of feeling good. I've enjoyed the dragonflies, the butterflies and my all time favorite - the lightening bugs. There is something so beautiful about seeing a field come alive with the glow of lightening bugs on a summer night.
It has definitely been a summer of messages as I've been going through some major transitions. One of my favorite messengers is Mother Nature. She has sent birds, a huge snake, dragonflies, a preying mantis, a tree frog and a coyote (among other messengers) and their symbolism brought me the messages I needed to hear at that time. It's not about just seeing these species - it's how they show up and where. If one crosses your path and doesn't move - it's trying to get your attention.
Other messages have come through Facebook or articles. I've been struggling to understand how I can thrive in this world when I pick up on so much and I get very frustrated when I don't feel well. Lately, I've been connected to people like me and have had many ah-ha! moments. I also participated in a special Blue Moon ceremony where we did some shamanic journeying. It started out with my ego having some fun with me, but the message at the end was HUGE. Perhaps it is something I will share at a later time.
It's also been a summer of release. I have a lot of modalities in my tool box that I've been putting to use, but they just weren't getting the results I wanted and then my Spirit Team introduced me to a new modality that they've been guiding me through. All I can say is it has created massive shifts for me and couldn't have come at a better time. I hope to be able to share this in the coming months, so stay tuned! Sometime down the road, I should also have some exciting news about a new certification I'm working on that is helping me shift energy in a pretty awesome way.
Enjoy the rest of your summer. Be good to yourself, take care of your health and enjoy life to its fullest! - Love, Adrienne :)
It has definitely been a summer of messages as I've been going through some major transitions. One of my favorite messengers is Mother Nature. She has sent birds, a huge snake, dragonflies, a preying mantis, a tree frog and a coyote (among other messengers) and their symbolism brought me the messages I needed to hear at that time. It's not about just seeing these species - it's how they show up and where. If one crosses your path and doesn't move - it's trying to get your attention.
Other messages have come through Facebook or articles. I've been struggling to understand how I can thrive in this world when I pick up on so much and I get very frustrated when I don't feel well. Lately, I've been connected to people like me and have had many ah-ha! moments. I also participated in a special Blue Moon ceremony where we did some shamanic journeying. It started out with my ego having some fun with me, but the message at the end was HUGE. Perhaps it is something I will share at a later time.
It's also been a summer of release. I have a lot of modalities in my tool box that I've been putting to use, but they just weren't getting the results I wanted and then my Spirit Team introduced me to a new modality that they've been guiding me through. All I can say is it has created massive shifts for me and couldn't have come at a better time. I hope to be able to share this in the coming months, so stay tuned! Sometime down the road, I should also have some exciting news about a new certification I'm working on that is helping me shift energy in a pretty awesome way.
Enjoy the rest of your summer. Be good to yourself, take care of your health and enjoy life to its fullest! - Love, Adrienne :)
July' s Blog Posts
Where did everyone go?
"I'm sorry" just doesn't cut it.
Coke and Labels
We're not materialistic
If you missed any of last month's blog posts and would like to check them out, click on the button below.
"I'm sorry" just doesn't cut it.
Coke and Labels
We're not materialistic
If you missed any of last month's blog posts and would like to check them out, click on the button below.
For reflection: as politicians are gearing up again...
For a chuckle:
Cool Link:
One of the hardest things about meditating is silencing the mind, but what if you don't have to silence it? I really love the idea of challenging the mind and "hacking it" to create a better day and life for ourselves. Vishen Lakhiani, the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, created a company that specializes in "innovation in education by introducing mindfulness and personal development into global education and perpetual learning." He has an awesome 6 step meditation that does not involve clearing your mind, but actively engaging it by asking yourself questions to get you to reflect on certain things. The video below is his 6 Phase Meditation. The next 35 minutes could be well worth your time to help launch yourself into a better life.
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Love, Light and Hugs - Adrienne :)