As children, my siblings and I used to play ghosts in the graveyard. It’s basically hide-and-seek, but in the dark. That thrill of excitement, mixed with a little tinge of fear, made the game so much fun. I have to admit, I miss some of that childhood innocence. In my later years, even just passing by a cemetery would fill me with such dread and anxiety. Little did I know when I was telling ghost stories to try to scare the other kids that I would later become an adult recounting real stories. I wonder what I would have thought back then if I knew that ghosts would become a part of my reality. Entity issues started in my late teen years. What I went through was scary. I didn’t like it, and I really didn’t understand it. No one believed me that I was being harassed by a spirit, which was so frustrating. I eventually brought in a woman I knew to get rid of it. Thankfully, what she did worked. I was so relieved and figured that was the end of that. Hah! Yeah, no. Decades later, while living in Sedona, AZ, I became aware of my gift of connecting with the deceased. In those early days, while I was learning how to deal with my new gifts, I would have spirits show up who wanted to speak to the living people in front of me. I discovered that delivering these messages like a medium was not for me. Instead, I found I had a different way of helping them. I think it was about a year after my intuitive gifts opened up that I was shown how to do crossovers by a renowned figure from the Spirit Realm. In the past decade, I have assisted in the crossover of thousands of spirits. I feel like I came into this life with a soul contract to help those in need transition back to the Spirit Realm. Since I would hate to be stuck myself, I am grateful to be of service. When I do crossovers, it’s not just for humans - I’ve witnessed animals and nature spirits as well. Going places can sometimes get tricky for me. Driving past a cemetery was the worst. As soon as I’d pass by, there would be anywhere from one to many spirits sitting in the car with me. Let’s just say this freaked me out for a good while. I started to realize that there wasn’t much I could do to avoid them. They’d show up in hotel rooms, houses I rented, at work, through my sessions, and even while I was out hiking. Can I see them? Not with my physical eyes, but I can see them with my 3rd eye, which is a different kind of sight. During the first year of my helping spirits move on, I was exploring a national park with my then-boyfriend. All of a sudden, I got the nudge for a crossover. Hundreds upon hundreds came into that space. I felt a bit silly and self-conscious going through the procedure of crossing them over, but did so anyway as so many were present and waiting. When you’re the only one who can sense them, it makes it tough to not come across as crazy. There have been times when others have sensed what was going on. I was once on the beach with a client, and the beach filled up with spirits. Both the client and myself were seated in the sand, and as they began crossing over, we were pushed over by the sheer force of the energy that was moving. There were so many - probably the largest crossover I’ve seen to date. Another time, I was walking in a park with a friend, and I told her that I needed a minute to do a crossover. I asked her to walk away from the area and up a hill. She did so, and I did the crossover. When we met back up, I thanked her for her patience and trust. She commented that as she was observing me, all of a sudden she could see a light around me while I was doing the crossover. Her telling me that brought me into a state of awe and gratitude. I love when others can pick up on these things. Usually, when I do crossovers, they are groups of spirits. Occasionally, I’ll run into a sole spirit who somehow recognizes that I can help them. One day, I had to run an errand. After taking care of what I needed to do, I returned to my car and unlocked the door. All of a sudden, I smelled curry. Curry is already intense, but this was really strong. I wondered where it was coming from; there weren’t any Indian restaurants around. I didn’t give it much more thought until I smelled it again while I was driving. I thought it was strange, but quickly switched my focus back to driving. I arrived back home and went to unlock my front door, and again, the very strong smell of curry. That’s when it dawned on me: I realized a spirit used the curry smell to get my attention so I could help him cross over. We took care of it then and there, and I didn't smell the curry again. Not all spirits wish to be crossed, and I can’t force them. Once, I was at a rest stop, and I sensed a woman in the bathroom stall with me. I asked what was going on, and she expressed that she’d been murdered and wanted revenge. I explained that I could help her crossover, but in no way would I be assisting with revenge. She shoved me into a wall. Lessons learned: call in protection before conferring with a spirit, and you can’t help if they’re not ready or willing. Whenever there’s a tragedy that comes into my awareness, I will check to see if anyone is in need of being crossed over. I helped about a dozen people, including children, who perished in the fire in Maui. It was the first time a spirit came up to me and asked me a question before crossing over. A man asked me, “Why did we have to die?” How did I answer? “I don’t know the reasoning behind what happened. I do know that you’ll find your answer once you crossover - once you go back home to the Spirit Realm.” They all crossed, and I'm sure they found their answer. My latest experience was just a few weeks ago. I decided to stop by the cemetery to visit my grandpa’s grave as we share the same birthday. I thought I’d protected myself well enough. When I left the cemetery, all kinds of crazy things started to happen. Things were going wrong left and right, and I felt like I couldn’t think straight. I wondered if I’d pushed myself too far with the day’s activities. I attributed it to low blood sugar. I arrived home and had to sleep. I was down for 3 days; I was so drained. I finally tuned in to see what was going on; I’d been swarmed. When I left the cemetery, about 300 spirits attached to my energy and accompanied me until I crossed them over. Not all 300 were from that particular cemetery. It’s like a beacon goes out, and they come from all over. Even when I do crossovers, more spirits will show up than the ones that I know will be crossing. How did I not realize I'd been swarmed? I think my body went into such a state of overwhelm that I couldn't think straight and put two and two together. Once I figured it out and helped them cross, I slowly started to get back on my feet. I’ve learned how to coexist to the best of my ability. I set my boundaries, get clearings when I need them, and work with the Angelic Realm for protection. As you may have noticed with the swarm story, there is a learning curve to this. Of course, there are many more experiences I could share, but you might be wondering why people don’t crossover in the first place. I’ve come to find that it can be due to a variety of reasons. Sometimes, like the woman at the rest stop, they want revenge; sometimes they stay behind with a loved one who hadn’t crossed or are waiting for someone; sometimes they’re afraid for religious reasons; and sometimes they don’t realize that they're dead. These are some of the most common reasons as to why there really are ghosts in the graveyard - and all around us. Wishing you a Happy Halloween, Adrienne :)
11/4/2024 01:41:11 pm
Thank you for sharing your stories, dear Adrienne! How fortunate for those lost souls that you are willing to acknowledge and help them. Way to embrace your gift!
11/8/2024 05:42:12 pm
Thank you, Chisti. I appreciate it and you!
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January 2025
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |