Today's post will be a bit different. I'd like to lead you through a visualization to connect with your Soul. It's so important to connect with this aspect, to listen to its wisdom. Your Soul is your true essence, the you that goes on after your human life finishes. It is the quiet yet powerful voice that connects us to life at a much deeper level. For the visualization, I recommend you record yourself reading it. Give yourself a pause of 1-2 minutes when you get to the part where you're meeting your Soul and asking your question. You can use the photo above if you need a focal point. "Imagine that you are in the Arizona desert. The sun is shining and the temperature is warm. You are standing next to an opening in the ground. It is the beginning of a slot canyon. You see some steps that will take you down into the canyon. Know that the sunlight reaches the bottom of the canyon, leaving it fully illuminated. Imagine that you are now descending the steps that lead you further down, down, down to the canyon floor. The sandstone walls tower above you. You begin to walk forward along a soft, sandy path. Around every bend is a different design. It is nature's architecture. As you continue to walk along the path, the light filters in from above, and the sandstone changes color from light browns to deep orange. You come to a spot that is more open. You stop and sit on the cool ground. You take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You repeat this breath two more times. As you begin to relax, you feel as if time has stopped. You can sense that this is a sacred space. Just as you climbed down the steps to the canyon floor, now imagine going down steps leading from your head into your heart. You bring your full attention to your heart. Using your name, greet your Soul. Take a moment to just be with your Soul. Ask your Soul - what is it I need to know? What is it I need to know? Listen for the response. It may come to you in words, images, sounds, symbols, or ideas. Don't judge it; just allow. Once you have received your message, take a moment to express gratitude. Feel gratitude to your Soul, to this place, to Mother Gaia, and to whomever you call Source. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Now, envision yourself standing up and continuing to walk along the sandy path until you reach a series of steps that will take you up and out. You climb the steps up, up, up until they lead you out of the canyon. When you come out of the canyon, feel your feet standing on the solid ground. You are rooted, you are connected. You are connected to your body, to the earth, and to your Soul. Once again, take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. When you are ready, you can open your eyes." How was it? Be sure to write down your Soul's message and any details about what you experienced in this visualization. If you didn't get a message, that's o.k. It may take doing this visualization a few times before you're open enough to receive. Heart Hugs,
Adrienne 💕
I saw this image on Facebook and had to do some research to find that it’s attributed to Rivka Grace Savitri. Part of it really resonates: treat everyone as if they’re sacred so as to allow that aspect to reawaken. The truth is, we are all sacred. We all have a soul, but we also have a kind of amnesia. We’ve forgotten that we are a Soul who comes from the Divine and that we are here to human in this world. We are sacred by our very nature. When we transition from this life, our body doesn’t go on, but our Soul does. The catch here is that we aren’t the only sacred ones on this planet. They say the eyes are a window to the soul. Have you looked into the eyes of an animal? It’s obvious that they have their very own essence. They are more than just a dog, cat, horse, or whale. Nature in and of itself is sacred. We need to start treating her as such. Every tree, seashell, fruit, and flower is sacred. Yet, human mentality remains stuck in the idea that we’re here to dominate. No, we’re here to coexist. To bless the food we eat, to breathe the oxygen that the trees and sea impart, to be stirred by the beauty of the flowers — even those we consider weeds. What I think needs more reflection in the quote above is the usage of “soulless world.” It’s easy to see why one would describe our world as soulless: school shootings, human trafficking, murder, violence, destruction, and greed are a few of the things that come to mind. Instead of seeing it as a soulless world, I invite you to see it as disconnected. Allow me to explain. Years ago, while I was living in Sedona, I found out that a classmate had been brutally murdered by the man she was in a relationship with. Let’s just say that he played the insanity card, and shockingly, the court went along with it. It’s pretty obvious you’d have to be in some state of insanity to murder and then mutilate someone. I was furious. This man had no soul and was just pure evil! A teacher at the yoga center I attended shared her view with me after I told her what had happened. She said, “We all have a soul. The issue is that we can become disconnected from it. That man does have a soul; he’s just very disconnected from it.” That was a new concept for me. I had always thought that if it seemed like you were pure evil, then you didn’t have a soul. It took awhile for this new perspective to sink in. Now, it’s an understanding that I hold. Connecting to our soul — to our sacredness — is the individual journey of each person. We can reflect the sacredness we see in others, and we can walk our own talk and be an example of it. It all starts with understanding that we are a sacred Soul who is humaning. To create that connection, we need to do our healing as well as our inner work, shift non-serving thoughts and beliefs, and make the effort to connect with that aspect of ourselves. This is where meditation comes in handy. It’s a great way to connect with your Soul self. If we wish to alchemize the world into a more connected place, we need to recognize the sacredness in ourselves, in others, in Nature, of this planet, and that of life. For those who are completely disconnected from their sacred self, from their Soul, and are committing atrocities, we can pray. We can pray for them to recognize their Soul aspect and that they are provided ways to connect with it. In the meantime, it is up to us to live by example if we so choose. The bottom line is that life is indeed more soul-full when we recognize the sacred. Heart Hugs, Adrienne :) |
January 2025
AuthorHello! I'm Adrienne Almamour, an empathic intuitive conduit. I assist people by detecting and clearing their subconscious emotional energy blockages. This blog is a commentary and reflection of life from an intuitive standpoint which also incorporates ways that allow us to be from our heart. |